Bulk Tasks-if one assignee completes task, it completes it for everyone-
AnsweredWhen we've attempted to create a bulk task for multiple assignees, we've found that when the first assignee completes the task, it renders all the other assignees' tasks complete as well. Is there a way to set a bulk tasks, but require each assignee to complete the task??
Hi Sheryl Sailer,
I spoke with our expert team and they provided a workaround idea for this. Even though a task can be created to have multiple assignees, the function works like a "one-to-one" function. In a Process, you could create several Task/Actions and use the Manual Trigger function, so you could technically create a "layered" set of approvals for one task, even though it's still one-to-one, and release them in the way that you and your team prefer. I hope this helps!
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