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Document Links Report - Destination List




  • Isabel Messore

    Hi Peter Wetheridge,

    It sounds like you would like to run a Link Files Report on the source spreadsheet. This LFR will compile the full network of documents linked to the source spreadsheet in question. Here is our support article for more information!

  • Peter Wetheridge

    Thanks Isabel Messore - this definitely helps - it doesn't list every destination, link by link, but I can at least see which files are connected.

    Just looking at my report and under the 'Additional FIles' section, I see a lot of referenced files with both Outside Sources 'none' and Already Included 'none'. Do you happen to know this means? Why would they be listed if there is no active relationship?

    * edit - typos

  • Isabel Messore

    Peter Wetheridge,

    That is odd. I don’t think that’s expected behavior, but I may be forgetting a case that could produce this. Let me experiment for a bit to try to reproduce this. If I fail in that attempt we'll get a Support ticket drummed up for you so we can investigate further!
  • Isabel Messore

    Update for you Peter Wetheridge,

    I can’t figure out how to reproduce and I don’t believe we would expect this state. If a document appears in the “additional linked files list” as a “destination” relationship it should have at least one source file/link in either the “outside sources” or “already included” category. So, I'll get a support ticket started for you and our team will be in touch!


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