Wdata chain overwrite command
Answeredhi, is it possible for the Wdata chain overwrite sheet data command to overwrite only certain region in a sheet? for example, we have a sheet that receives data from other sheet through the chain, but it also has some validation and comments on the right columns not from the source sheet, every time when the chain is executed, these validations and comments are cleared out, i did try to specify the region in the start cell field in the overwrite sheet data command (say A1:G55, validations and comments are in columns I through K), but it did not work, it still cleared all validations and comments in columns I through K. In the get sheet data command before the overwrite command we did specify the same region in the "region" field, so we are wondering why the columns beyond this region is still cleared.
Hi Jiang, you can achieve this functionality using the Write Sheet Data Command. The Overwrite Sheet Data Command clears all cells in the Sheet prior to writing the new data.