Copy source link for large test to new document
Hi there,
I want to set up a new document which links to another document regarding all text and columns. . Would it be possible to do this at once? I now have to copy every separate part of text, make a source link and copy this in the new file. If text needs to be adjusted, I could break the links and it would save me a lot of time.
I hope you can help me out!
Thank you!
Hello Yvette,
I am curious if one of these methods would meet your needs. Please review and let us know.
- Right-click on the document from Home and choose Copy
- From the pop-up window for Step 1 of 2: Make sure it is the document you want.
- From next window for Step 2 of 2: Link Includes, check the box for "Create copies of all source files" or "Keep Links to Original Source Files" depending on which you would like.
- When the copy is finished, you can investigate the links in the newly copied document.
Thank you!
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