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Need easier way to review link location (Document Links Report)




  • Andrew McKenzie

    I agree, although I assume the current limitations are for performance reasons. But, e.g., I've had times when I know there is a link *somewhere* in a given section, but combing through the section (in this case, in a Designed Reporting document, making it harder to spot that wee green underline) I can't find it easily. At minimum, it would be nice to even just have a "jump to next/previous link" type feature so that wherever one places the cursor, the Link Properties sidebar allows you to jump from link to link.

  • Liz Walters


    Jon Neufeldt and Andrew McKenzie these are great ideas to improve the ability to locate links. Thank you for sharing! 

    I'll pass along your suggested solutions with our product team for consideration, and we'll keep you updated as it moves forward.

    Have a great weekend!

  • Jon Neufeldt

    Thank you Liz Walters; much appreciated.


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