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Comments in Documents (Adding a new feature)




  • Chuck

    I agree. It seems that tables are more geared towards data rather than text. As a work around to this I try to advise my colleagues to use "text box" with borders rather than tables for this exact reason. I am onboard with this enhancement though for sure! 

  • Isaac Oard

    Hi Juaque Swanepoel and Chuck
    Thanks for the feedback! I have set up an idea ticket for this request. You will both be able to track any progress there.


  • Ludovic Chan

    Hi team,

    May I know if there are an update with regards to this feature ?  Thanks.

  • Mike

    Hi Ludovic!

    At this time this suggestion remains yet proposed only with our product team. I am happy to get you added as a requestor on our end and share you interest.

    Let me know if you have any follow-ups for me. Thanks and have a super day!


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