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XBRL tagging of "no" and periods




  • Liz Walters

    Hi Kenneth,

    Thank you for your patience while I posed this question to some of our XBRL experts! Question F.4 of the SEC's FAQ directly addresses tagging items like "no" or "none". Tagging periods of time is a bit more judgmental. Our experts recommend for customers to read SEC Edgar Filing Manual Rule 6.6.22, Level 4 (Detail) Tagging (page 256). The language indicates "each monetary value, percentage and number in each footnote" must be tagged and also further states "an instance may also contain dates and narrative disclosures at level 4". 

    Hope this helps! Let us know if you have any other questions. 

  • Barbara

    Hi Liz,  I remember that if all periods disclosed are Nil then no tagging is necessary.  We have a two year statement whereby "no" is used for 2022 and Nil is used for 2021.   Can you check please if these need tagging.  Both are zero dollars.  Thanks.Barbara

  • Liz Walters

    Hi Barbara,

    These values will not need to be tagged. Please let us know if you have any other questions!


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