Workiva Connections (Chains) - Error authenticating with Workiva
AnsweredWhen I try to perform a Chain I get the following error:
Error authenticating with Workiva: Invalid client id: XXXXXXXXXX.
The connection ID has been created in Wdesk-People-Add a grant in the user name select a user with chain owner permissions. Then in scope select all possible options. Finally I made sure to copy the Client ID and Client Secret in the connector configuration section without blanks. Note that everything is done in the same workspace (OAuth2 Grants create and the chain).
Could you tell me why the connector ID is not valid?.
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Thank you for providing such detailed information. Unfortunately it will be very difficult to identify the issue without screenshots and given the sensitivity of the information, it's probably best that you open a support ticket for assistance so that our support team can look at the issue live with you.
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When I try to perform a Chain I get the following error:
Error authenticating with Workiva: Invalid client id: XXXXXXXXXX.
The connection ID has been created in Wdesk-People-Add a grant in the user name select a user with chain owner permissions. Then in scope select all possible options. Finally I made sure to copy the Client ID and Client Secret in the connector configuration section without blanks. Note that everything is done in the same workspace (OAuth2 Grants create and the chain).
Could you tell me why the connector ID is not valid?.
I attach the image of the error to give more detail. So could you help me with this?
0Hello Pablo, was the OAuth2 Grant created in an environment other than the US Region? For example, if the region is EU or APAC, then the URL Overrides must be configured in the Workiva Connector (if not, the "Invalid client id" error will be thrown). If you're production environment is in one of these regions, please reference this documentation for the correct override URLs.
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