From an ESG Program, you can add topics for specific Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors to track or report. For example, an Environmental topic of your ESG Program may include topics for Energy and Waste, or a Social topic may contain topics like Diversity & inclusion (D&I) and Human rights.
From a topic, you can add metrics for the values to disclose in your ESG reporting, send tasks to collect metric values, and track their data collection.
Manage a topic's data collection for a specific period
From a topic, you can view its metrics, grouped by the frequency of their values' data collection — Monthly, Quarterly, and Yearly — for the program year. To track or manage the data collection of only values for a specific time frame within the year, select the start and end months in Reporting period.
When you select a reporting period, the topic only displays metrics' statuses and sends tasks or reminders for only data collection within the range.
Rename an ESG Program topic
You can edit the name of a topic from its ESG Program or from the topic itself.
From the ESG Program's outline:
- Double-click the topic, or right-click the topic and select Rename .
- Enter the topic's new name.
Select Rename from the topic's menu, and enter its new name.
Open ESG Program from a topic
When you open a topic from the ESG Program, it and the ESG Program each appear on separate tabs in Workiva. If you close the ESG Program or open the topic from a direct link outside of the ESG Program, select Go to program from the topics' menu to open the ESG Program on its own tab in Workiva.
Delete a topic
If you no longer need a topic and its metrics, you can delete it from its ESG Program or from the topic itself.
Note: When you delete an ESG Program topic, you also delete its metrics' historical values, and cancel any data collection tasks.
To delete a topic:
- From the ESG Program's outline, right-click the topic, select Remove , and click Remove.
- From the topic, select Delete topic from its menu, and click Delete.