To support data collection for Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) reporting, you can create and manage an ESG Program to track topics to report on, with metrics to collect each reporting year. From the outline, you can organize the ESG Program's topics and group them in related sections.
Add topics and metrics to outline
From the outline of ESG Program, you can organize the metrics values you disclose for ESG topics.
- Topics — which appear in bold in the outline — indicate the specific ESG factors that the ESG Program addresses and can categorize those factors by theme. For example, an Environmental topic may include more granular topics such as Energy and Waste, while a Social topic may include topics like Diversity & inclusion (D&I) and Human rights.
- Metrics enable data collection of values for each topic. For example, a Scope 1 emissions topic may have metrics to collect values to disclose for Stationary combustion, Mobile combustion, and Refrigerants.
To organize your topics and metrics from the outline:
- From the outline, add the ESG topics to collect values for:
- To add a top-level topic, click Insert outline item, Topic.
- To add a topic within another topic, right-click the existing topic, and select Add topic .
- To enter the topic's name, double-click it, or right-click and select Rename .
- To add the topic's metrics, either:
- Select the topic in the outline, and click Insert outline time, Metric.
- Right-click the topic in the outline, and select Add metric.
- From the topic, click Add metric.
For information about how to set up a topic's metric, refer to Add metrics to ESG Program topics.
Arrange items in outline
From the outline, you can arrange the hierarchy of the ESG Program's topics and metrics:
- To adjust the position of an item in the outline, select it and click Move up
Note: Metrics can appear only within topics in the outline.
or Move down , or drag it to its new location. - To view only the top-level topics in the outline, click Collapse all .
- To view only topics in the outline, with no metrics, select Hide metrics
Tip: To return metrics to the outline, select Show metrics.
. - To view metrics by both their names and IDs, select Show metrics and Show metric IDs.
Tip: If you select Show metric IDs, you can then search the outline by metric ID.
- To view all items in the outline, click Expand all .
Search outline for topic or metric
To find a specific topic or metric from ESG Program, click Filter from the outline, and search by name or — if shown in the outline — metric ID.
Tip: You can also search for topics and metrics from Program overview.
Apply icons to outline items
To help ease scanning and quickly identify the context of items in a Program's outline, apply icons to specific sections or topics:
- To apply an icon, right-click the outline item, select Add icon or Update icon , then choose the icon to apply.
- To remove an icon from an item, right-click the outline item, and select Remove icon .
Rename an outline item
To edit the name of a Program item:
- From the outline, double-click the item, or right-click and select Rename .
- Enter the item's new name.
Note: You can't rename the Program overview item in the outline.
Remove an item from outline
If you no longer need a section or topic, you can remove it from its ESG Program:
- When you delete a section, you also delete any sections and topics it contains, including any topic metrics.
- When you delete a topic, you also delete its metrics.
Note: You can't remove the Program overview item from the outline.
To remove an item from an ESG Program:
- From the outline, right-click the item and select Remove .
- Click Remove.