Recent guidance from the SEC now requires form 24F-2NT to include XML to allow for the EDGAR system to read the information submitted. Workiva enables this XML submission through use of a spreadsheet template with values defined by the SEC. These values include series and class details, investment company file number, security act file number, fee information, and more. Refer to the SEC’s Form 24F-2NT documentation for more information on these values.
Click here to download Workiva's 24F-2NT template spreadsheet.
Form 24F-2NT requirements
The spreadsheet you file for a 24F-2NT must contain specific information or values. The following are some simple guidelines that may help you fill out your spreadsheet.
- Required sections are marked with an asterisk, while the other sections are optional.
- Section names must begin with Item number to properly generate XML.
- Use your exact registrant name and address information, matching the EDGAR database, for section 1.
- Fill out exactly 1 of the subsections of Item 2 based on your investment company. For forms N-1A or N-3, class information needs to be entered out across columns, not separate rows.
- Section 3 requires the investment company and at least 1 registrant securities file number. You can add additional securities on further rows.
- In section 4, the expected input formats are specified in the label: mm/dd/yyyy or yes/no.
- Section 5 contains formulas that calculate the values as expected by the SEC. You can unlock these cells and provide your own values.
- Section 6 and Section 7 should be left blank if there are values of zero. Do not enter N/A or other non-numeric values.
- The fee due in section 8 is automatically calculated based on the fee paid from section 5 plus any interest due from section 7. It can be overridden if necessary.
- Explanatory notes can be added in section 9.
- You should create an individual spreadsheet for each fund being filed in a single 24F-2NT.
File a 24F-2NT
When you’re ready to file your 24F-2NT, you’ll need to create a new filing and add your completed spreadsheet on the Collect step, then click Next.
Fill out Form Information about the filing. Make sure to advance using the Next button in the bottom right, to ensure you fill out all pages of Form Information.
You can download a file containing any errors in your filing by clicking Spreadsheet Validation Check on the Review step.
After you’ve addressed any filing warnings that may have appeared, you are ready to Test File your project. Once you’ve successfully Test Filed, you can proceed to Live File.