R-tags can be used in your filing documents to mark areas that have been changed. These changes can help SEC reviewers quickly find changes in amended filings.
What are R-tags?
R-tags, or Revision tags, are used in redline tagging to indicate content changes within a document. R-tags used in EDGAR HTML filings help SEC reviewers easily find changes but aren’t shown in the public HTML document.
When the SEC reviews your amended EDGAR filing, they view it in plain text mode to easily identify the revised material. R-Tags are highlighted in magenta in EDGAR HTML, PDF exports, and within the Workiva editor.
R-tags are used to mark changes in content, not formatting changes like underlining a word or centering a paragraph. Additionally, tags should enclose an entire paragraph or table that contains changes, rather than mark individual words, phrases, or table cells.
Enable R-tags
To use R-tags, you must first enable them from Document Properties.
To enable R-tags:
- From the File toolbar, select Properties .
- Choose Document Properties.
- Under Preferences , check Allow SEC Revisions (R-tags). If this option isn't available, make sure you've selected a document type from the Type dropdown.
Note: Once enabled by a document owner, both owners and editors can add R-tags to your document.
Use auto R-tags
You can easily create R-tags through a blackline you made. Any revision changes found in the blackline will automatically be R-tagged. You can auto R-tag at any time and undo any tags.
Note: Auto R-tags are limited to customers in investment reporting solutions.
To auto R-tag a document:
- In the Review tab, click Auto R-tag.
- Select a blackline to auto R-tag the document.
- To finish, click Auto R-tag.
Note: Entire paragraphs or tables will be tagged if content within them has changed. Deleted paragraphs, tables, or text boxes won’t be tagged.
Add and remove R-tags
You can individually add or remove R-tags instead of automatically tagging.
To add an R-tag:
- Highlight the content you’d like to mark with an R-tag.
- From the Review toolbar, click R-tag . You can also right-click and select R-tag from the menu.
- The selected content appears highlighted in magenta.
R-Tags can be applied to:
- Text
- Entire Tables
- Charts
- Images
- Links
- Track Changes
- Footnotes
Note: R-tags cannot be added to headers, footers, or individual table cells.
To remove an R-tag, highlight the content and click R-tag in the toolbar. You can also right-click and select R-tag from the menu.
You can show or hide R-tag highlights from the View toolbar.
To remove all R-tags from your document, select Clear Tags . Select whether to clear the currently selected text, section, or the entire document.
Export R-tags
When exporting to PDF or EDGAR, you can select whether or not to include the R-tag highlights.
To show R-tags in your PDF export:
- From the File toolbar, click Save As .
- Select PDF.
- Under Advanced, click Include Revision tag (R-tag) Highlighting.
To show R-Tags in an EDGAR export:
- From the File toolbar, click Save As.
- Select EDGAR.
- Under Advanced, click Include Revision tag (R-tag) Highlighting.