This article is for:
When you have notes or paragraphs that contain facts, you tag these as blocks of text.
Tag text blocks
With your document open, make sure XBRL is enabled.
- Select the text you want to tag as a text block, then click Create Fact in the XBRL toolbar. This will create an empty fact on the selection.
- In the Fact Details panel, enter information for the fact such as the concept and date.
You can edit the details of a fact or delete the fact at any time after you've created it by revisiting the Fact Details panel.
Move a text block
If you need to change the text which a fact is connected to, you can do so by moving the fact.
- Right-click the text associated with the fact you want to move, then select Move Fact.
- Use the handles at the beginning or end of the text to adjust the beginning or end of the region you want to associate with the fact, then click Apply Changes at the top to save your changes.