To share your spreadsheet outside of Workiva, you can export it as a Microsoft Excel file (.xlsx), CSV, PDF, or XHTML.
Export as CSV
To export your document as a CSV file:
- From the File toolbar, click Save As .
- Choose CSV (.csv).
- Select to export the selected sheet as a single .csv or all sheets as a .zip file.
- Select whether or not to export formulas.
- Click Export. Your download begins automatically.
Export as XLSX
To export your document as a XLSX file:
- From the File toolbar, click Save As .
- Choose Excel (.xlsx).
- Select whether you’d like to export the entire document, the current section, or selected sections.
- Select a value option:
- Full precision exports values as entered, not necessarily how they are displayed in Workiva.
- Rounded exports values rounded to the selected decimal.
As displayed exports values as they appear in Workiva, not the true value of the cell.
- To highlight the input cells in the .xlsx file, select Show Input Cells.
- Select whether or not to export formulas.
Note: Exporting values as rounded or as displayed automatically unchecks the "Export Formulas" option to prevent calculation discrepancies in Excel. Because Excel calculates formulas based on displayed values, your formulas may not calculate correctly if you export formulas using these value options.
- Click Export. Your download begins automatically.
Export as PDF
If you’re exporting your spreadsheet as a PDF, you can further customize your export options.
- From the File toolbar, click Save As .
- Choose PDF (.pdf).
- Select whether you’d like to export the entire document, the current section, or selected sections.
- Customize your export:
- To highlight which cells are input cells in the PDF, select Show Input Cells.
- Select whether or not to include certain formatting options, like leader dots and cell fills.
- If you plan on printing your document, select Use CMYK Colorspace.
- Select to include additional content, like hyperlinks or comments.
- If your document includes tracked changes, you can include them in the PDF.
- Select Reduce Image Resolution to downscale the pixels per inch (PPI) of your images and reduce the overall file size
- Set your page size and orientation. You can also scale your sheet to actual size or to fit the width of your page.
- Click Export. Your download begins automatically.
Export as XHTML
- From the File toolbar, click Save As .
- Choose XHTML (.pdf). Your download begins automatically.
Export sheets from the outline
To export sheets from the Spreadsheet outline:
- Select a single sheet in the outline. If you want to export multiple sheets, hold Ctrl (Windows) or ⌘+C (Mac) on your keyboard and click on each sheet you want to include in the export.
- Right-click in the outline
- Select Save As and choose the CSV, XLSX, or PDF file type for your export
Apply print areas
If you need to exclude certain cells from your PDF export, you can apply print areas to your sheets.
To apply a print area:
- From the Properties panel, select the Sheet Properties tab.
- Choose Select Range.
- Click the text box and type your cell range or highlight a range in your sheet.
Note: To apply multiple print areas in the same sheet, add a comma between the ranges.
To see what ranges are included in your print areas, you can select Show print area overlay.
When exporting your spreadsheet to a PDF, these print areas will be applied by default. If you have multiple print ranges on one sheet, each range appears on its own page.
To turn off print areas in an export, select Advanced and uncheck Only Export Print Areas.
If a print area is applied to content that is entirely out of view, like filtered content or hidden rows, you'll see a blank page in your export.