To combine commands within a chain, you can add them together in a group. For example, you may group commands to:
- Enable an iterator to run the commands multiple times over a series of values
- Have the chain fail if one of the commands fails
- Expand or collapse the group to show or hide its commands to help simplify the chain
- Copy the entire command
Add a command group
- In the chain, click Command Group
- Select the group, and click Edit .
- Under Basic Info, enter a unique name and description to help identify the group and the intent of its commands.
- To run the command multiple times, such as for each item in a list, select Iterator enter the iteration values. , and
- Click Save.
- To include commands in the group, link them to Group Start.
- To run the commands in serial, one after the other, link them in sequence as a chain.
- To run the commands in parallel, all at the same time, link them each to Group Start.
Note: Within a group, you can run commands in serial as a chain while other commands run in parallel.
- To run the commands in serial, one after the other, link them in sequence as a chain.
- To add the group to the chain, link its preceding and following commands to In and Out, respectively.
Expand or collapse a command group
To help scan or navigate a chain on the canvas, you can expand and collapse a group as necessary to show or hide its commands:
- To hide a group's commands, click Collapse .
- To show a group's commands, click Expand .
Set a command group's color
To help visually categorize a group's commands within a chain, you can color-code the command group. To set a group's color, click Set Color
, and select its color from the palette.Delete a command group
To remove a group and all of it commands from a chain, select it in the chain, and click its Delete
.Copy a command group
To duplicate an entire command group, click the Copy button within the chain builder.