With the Email connector, you can use a Send Email command to send email from a simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP) server as part of a chain. To enable enhanced automation, the email can include additional context from earlier commands in the chain.
To use the Email connector, your organization needs details about the SMTP server of its email provider, such as Google® Gmail®, Microsoft® Office 365®, or Mailgun®.
Note: Workiva does not host or provide SMTP servers or email services.
To set up the connector, you'll need:
- The hostname of the SMTP server
- The port the SMTP server uses to send email
- The HELO domain, if required by the SMTP server
- If the SMTP server requires authentication, the username and password of the integration user the connector should authenticate as
Set up an Email connector
Note: To make the connector available for use in your organization's chains, an org security administrator first enables it from Configuration.
- From Chain Builder, click Connections , and then Create at the top right.
- Under BizApp Connection, select Email and the default CloudRunner.
- Enter a unique name and description to help identify the connection.
- Under Properties, enter the connection's details:
Property Details Host name Enter the SMTP server's host name: - For Gmail, typically
- For Microsoft 365, typically
- For Mailgun, typically
Port Enter the port the server runs on. Typically, the default SMTP port 587
, but could be25
.TLS enabled If using a secure SMTP server that requires encrypted communication via Transport Layer Security/Secure Sockets Layer (TLS/SSL), set to Enabled. HELO domain If required by the SMTP server, enter the HELO domain used to ensure a successful handshake. User name If the SMTP server requires basic authentication, enter the username of the connector's integration user. Password If the SMTP server requires basic authentication, enter the password for the User name input. Note: All sensitive credentials are automatically encrypted and stored at Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)-256 encryption.
- For Gmail, typically
- Select the environments to use the connection, and click Save.
- To test the connection, create and run a chain with the connector's Send Email command to send an email to your own email address, and verify it returns a valid output.
If the connector fails to send email:
- Check the hostname and port of your email provider's SMTP server.
- Verify whether the SMTP server requires TLS or a HELO domain.
- If the SMTP server requires basic authentication, verify the username and password of the connector's integration user.
- Verify the recipient email addresses entered for the Send Email command's To, CC, and BCC inputs.