To download, upload, copy, move, and files on a File Transfer Prototol (FTP) server as part of a chain, add a step that includes an FTPS connection command.
Note: The FTPS connection supports FTP over explicit Transport Layer Security (TLS)/Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), not implicit SSL.
To enable these commands, an IT admin first creates an FTPS connector.
Delete files/directories
To delete files and empty directories based on a path search text, use a Delete files/directories command.
Note: Directories must be empty.
Property | Detail |
Files | Enter the path search text. To delete multiple files, use * as a wildcard, such as /my/ftp/folder/*.txt . |
Output | Output type |
File deleted | JSON |
Exit codes
Code | Type | Detail |
0 | Success | Success |
1 | Error | Invalid arguments |
2 | Error | Error running command |
Download file
To download a file from the FTP server, use a Download file command.
Property | Detail |
Files | Enter the full path to the file to download. Use UNIX-based path separators, such as /my/file/to/download . |
Output | Output type |
Downloaded file | File |
Exit codes
Code | Type | Detail |
0 | Success | Success |
1 | Error | Invalid arguments |
2 | Error | Error running command |
Download files
To download multiple files from the FTP server, use a Download files command.
Note: This command requires a GroundRunner.
Property | Detail |
Files | Enter the path search text, such as /my/ftp/folder/*.txt . |
Destination | Enter the full absolute path to the download location. |
Create destination | To create the destination directory, check this box. |
Output | Output type |
Downloaded file paths | JSON |
Exit Codes
Code | Type | Detail |
0 | Success | Success |
1 | Error | Invalid arguments |
2 | Error | Error running command |
List files/folders
To retrieve a list of files and folders based on a path search text, use a List files/folders command.
Property | Detail |
Directory | Enter the path search text. To list multiple files, use * as a wildcard, such as /my/ftp/folder/*.txt . |
Output | Output type |
Files | JSON |
Exit codes
Code | Type | Detail |
0 | Success | Success |
1 | Error | Invalid arguments |
2 | Error | Error running command |
Make directory
To create a new directory on the FTP server, use a Make directory command.
Property | Detail |
Directory | Enter the full path to the directory, such as /my/ftp/folder/*.txt . |
Exit codes
Code | Type | Detail |
0 | Success | Success |
1 | Error | Invalid arguments |
2 | Error | Error running command |
Move/copy files
To move or copy files from one location on the FTP server to another, use a Move/copy files command.
Property | Detail |
Files | Enter the path search text, such as /my/ftp/folder/*.txt . |
Destination | Enter the full path to the destination directory. This must be a directory, not a file. |
Create destination | To create the destination directory, check this box. |
Copy | To copy—rather than rename—the files to the new location, check this box. |
Output | Output type |
Create file locations | JSON |
Exit codes
Code | Type | Detail |
0 | Success | Success |
1 | Error | Invalid arguments |
2 | Error | Error running command |
Upload file
To upload a file to the FTP server, use an Upload file command.
Property | Detail |
Destination | Enter the full path to the upload location. Use UNIX-based path separators, such as /my/file/to/download . |
File | Enter the file to upload. |
Create path | To create the destination directory if it doesn't exist, check this box. |
Exit codes
Code | Type | Detail |
0 | Success | Success |
1 | Error | Invalid arguments |
2 | Error | Error running command |