With Format Painter, you can copy the format of text and table cells and paste your formatting onto other content in your document.
Format a single selection
To copy formatting to a single selection:
- 1
- Select your content.
- 2
- From the Edit toolbar, click the Format Painter . This copies the format of the selected text or table cells.
- 3
- Select a new section to paste the formatting. If there is no selection, the formatting is pasted at the cursor's current position.
Format multiple selections
To copy the formatting to multiple selections:
- 1
- Select your content.
- 2
- Double-click the Format Painter icon to copy the format of the selected text or table cells.
- 3
- Make additional selections to paste the formatting.
Format table rows and columns
You can also use the Format Painter to format table cells. When multiple formats exist across a row or column, Format Painter copies all of the formatting options so you can paste formatting to multiple cells at once.
To copy the formatting of a row or column:
- 1
- Select the header of the row or column.
- 2
- Single-click the Format Painter icon to copy the format to one column, or double-click to copy to multiple columns.
- 3
- Select another heading to apply the formatting.
Format lists
Format painter also allows you to format bullet points.
To copy formatting from one bullet point to another in a list:
- 1
- Select a bullet point.
- 2
- From the Edit toolbar, click Format Painter once for a single paste and twice for multiple pastes.
- 3
- Select a new bullet point to paste the formatting.