This article is for:
Copy and paste XBRL details from one or more facts to another within the same document. When pasting, you can choose which XBRL details to paste (concept, dimensions, dates, etc.) or leave the defaults and paste all of them.
Copy one XBRL fact
When copying and pasting, make sure to select the correct facts because you cannot undo this action.
To copy and paste one XBRL fact within a document:
- 1
- Select the fact that has the XBRL you want to copy.
- 2
- Click the Copy Fact icon at the top of the Fact Details panel.
- 3
- Select the value where you want to paste the XBRL and click Paste Fact icon at the top of the Fact Details panel.
- 4
- Select or clear the options and click Paste.
Copy multiple XBRL facts
You can copy and paste more than XBRL fact at a time. Make sure you select the correct XBRL facts when copying and the correct table cells when pasting because this cannot be undone.
To copy and paste XBRL within a document:
- 1
- Turn on Inspect Facts to see individual facts for cells that have multiple XBRL facts applied.
- 2
- Select the table cells that have the XBRL you want to copy.
- 3
- Click the Copy Fact icon at the top of the Fact Details panel.
- 4
- Select the first table cell where you want the paste to begin and click Paste Fact icon at the top of the Fact Details panel.
- 5
- Select or clear the options and click Paste. The facts are pasted to the other table cells.
Best practices for copying multiple XBRL facts
When copying XBRL facts:
- If Copy Facts is disabled after selecting XBRL facts, make sure Inspect Facts is on.
- Copying XBRL is not possible from a table cell that has multiple facts applied. Turning on Inspect Facts allows you to select only one of the multiple facts to paste to another table cell.
- You can copy and paste XBRL from table cell facts only. Copying and pasting multiple XBRL facts in text is not yet available.
When pasting XBRL facts:
- Select the table cell where you want the paste to begin. Do not select multiple cells when pasting.
- Make sure the table has at least the same number of rows or columns as the copy selection.
- Paste works only in table cells. Pasting more than one XBRL fact to text links is not possible.