To export and import data in Microsoft Power BI® and manage the various objects that make up your Power BI deployment as part of a chain, add a step that includes a Microsoft Power BI connection command.
To enable these commands, an IT admin first creates a Power BI connector.
Note: The connector can't connect Power BI with multi-factor authentication (MFA) enabled.
Add rows to dataset
To add new data rows to a table within a workspace's dataset, use an Add rows to dataset command.
Note: This command considers duplicate rows as added even when ignored in Power BI.
Property |
Detail |
Workspace ID |
Enter the ID of the workspace. |
Dataset ID |
Enter the ID of the dataset. |
Table name |
Enter the name of the table to add rows to. |
Data |
Enter the file that contains the data to add to the table. |
Data type |
Select whether Data is JSON or CSV. |
Delimiter |
If Data Type is CSV, enter the delimiter used in the file. |
Output |
Output type |
Rows Added |
Integer |
Exit codes
Code |
Type |
Detail |
0 |
Success |
Success |
1 |
Error |
There was an error during execution |
2 |
Error |
There was an error authenticating with Power BI |
Bind dataset to gateway
To bind a dataset from a workspace to a gateway, use a Bind dataset to gateway command. Only supported from the On-Premises Data Gateway.
Property |
Detail |
Workspace ID |
Enter the ID of the workspace. |
Dataset ID |
Enter the ID of the dataset. |
Gateway |
Enter the ID of the gateway. |
Exit Codes
Code |
Type |
Detail |
0 |
Success |
Success |
1 |
Error |
There was an error during execution |
2 |
Error |
There was an error authenticating with Power BI |
Clone report
To clone a report from a workspace, use a Clone report command.
Property |
Detail |
Workspace ID |
Enter the ID of the workspace. |
Report ID |
Enter the ID of the report. |
Name |
Enter the name of the new report created. |
Target dataset ID |
Enter the ID of the dataset for the new report. To associate the new report with the same dataset as Report ID, leave blank. |
Target workspace ID |
Enter the ID of the workspace for the new report. For "My Workspace", enter an empty GUID of 00000000-0000-0000-0000-0000000000 .To associate the new report with the same workspace as Workspace ID, leave blank. |
Output |
Output type |
Report |
Exit codes
Code |
Type |
Detail |
0 |
Success |
Success |
1 |
Error |
There was an error during execution |
2 |
Error |
There was an error authenticating with Power BI |
Create dataset
To create a new dataset in a workspace, use a Create dataset command.
Property |
Detail |
Workspace ID |
Enter the ID of the workspace. |
Name |
Enter the name of the dataset. |
Tables |
Enter the tables in the dataset. |
Output |
Output type |
Dataset |
Exit codes
Code |
Type |
Detail |
0 |
Success |
Success |
1 |
Error |
There was an error during execution |
2 |
Error |
There was an error authenticating with Power BI |
Create temporary upload location
To create a temporary blob storage, such as to import .PBIX files between 1 GB to 10 GB, use a Create temporary upload location command.
To import large .PBIX files, create a temporary upload location, upload the .PBIX file using the shared access signature (SAS) URL from the response, and call Post Import to Group and specify the fileUrl
to be the SAS URL in the Request Body.
Note: Import large .PBIX files is only available for workspaces on premium capacity and for .PBIX files between 1 GB and 10 GB.
Property |
Detail |
Workspace ID |
Enter the ID of the workspace. |
Output |
Output type |
String |
Expires at |
Date |
Exit codes
Code |
Type |
Detail |
0 |
Success |
Success |
1 |
Error |
There was an error during execution |
2 |
Error |
There was an error authenticating with Power BI |
Delete all rows in table
To delete all rows from a table within a workspace's dataset, use a Delete all rows in table command.
Property |
Detail |
Workspace ID |
Enter the ID of the workspace. |
Dataset ID |
Enter the ID of the dataset. |
Table name |
Enter the name of the table to delete rows from. |
Exit codes
Code |
Type |
Detail |
0 |
Success |
Success |
1 |
Error |
There was an error during execution |
2 |
Error |
There was an error authenticating with Power BI |
Delete dataset
To delete a dataset from a workspace, use a Delete dataset command.
Property |
Detail |
Workspace ID |
Enter the ID of the workspace. |
Dataset ID |
Enter the ID of the dataset. |
Output |
Output type |
Dataset |
String |
Exit codes
Code |
Type |
Detail |
0 |
Success |
Success |
1 |
Error |
There was an error during execution |
2 |
Error |
There was an error authenticating with Power BI |
Delete report
To delete a report from a workspace, use a Delete report command.
Property |
Detail |
Workspace ID |
Enter the ID of the workspace. |
Report ID |
Enter the ID of the report. |
Output |
Output type |
Deleted report ID |
String |
Exit codes
Code |
Type |
Detail |
0 |
Success |
Success |
1 |
Error |
There was an error during execution |
2 |
Error |
There was an error authenticating with Power BI |
Export report
To export a report from a workspace to a .PBIX file, use an Export report command.
Property |
Detail |
Workspace ID |
Enter the ID of the workspace. |
Report ID |
Enter the ID of the report. |
Output |
Output type |
Report export (.PBIX) |
File |
Exit codes
Code |
Type |
Detail |
0 |
Success |
Success |
1 |
Error |
There was an error during execution |
2 |
Error |
There was an error authenticating with Power BI |
Get dataset
To retrieve a dataset from a workspace, use a Get dataset command.
Property |
Detail |
Workspace ID |
Enter the ID of the workspace. |
Dataset ID |
Enter the ID of the dataset. |
Output |
Output type |
Dataset |
Exit codes
Code |
Type |
Detail |
0 |
Success |
Success |
1 |
Error |
There was an error during execution |
2 |
Error |
There was an error authenticating with Power BI |
Get dataset datasources
To retrieve a list of datasources for a workspace's dataset, use a Get dataset datasources command.
Property |
Detail |
Workspace ID |
Enter the ID of the workspace. |
Dataset ID |
Enter the ID of the dataset. |
Output |
Output type |
Datasources |
Exit codes
Code |
Type |
Detail |
0 |
Success |
Success |
1 |
Error |
There was an error during execution |
2 |
Error |
There was an error authenticating with Power BI |
Get dataset tables
To retrieve a list of tables within a workspace's dataset, use a Get dataset tables command.
Note: This command supports only Push datasets.
Property |
Detail |
Workspace ID |
Enter the ID of the workspace. |
Dataset ID |
Enter the ID of the dataset. |
Output |
Output type |
Tables |
Exit codes
Code |
Type |
Detail |
0 |
Success |
Success |
1 |
Error |
There was an error during execution |
2 |
Error |
There was an error authenticating with Power BI |
Get report
To retrieve a report from a workspace, use a Get report command.
Property |
Detail |
Workspace ID |
Enter the ID of the workspace. |
Report ID |
Enter the ID of the report. |
Output |
Output type |
Report |
Exit codes
Code |
Type |
Detail |
0 |
Success |
Success |
1 |
Error |
There was an error during execution |
2 |
Error |
There was an error authenticating with Power BI |
Import file
To create new content on a workspace from a .PBIX file, use an Import file command.
Property |
Detail |
Workspace ID |
Enter the ID of the workspace. |
Dataset name |
Enter the display name of the data, including its file extension. |
On name conflict |
Select what to do if a dataset with the same name already exists. By default, Ignore . |
.PBIX file |
When importing a .PBIX file, enter the file to import. File must be less than 1GB. |
Import info |
If importing a large .PBIX file, enter its details. |
Run asynchronously |
To not wait for the import to finish, check this box. |
Output |
Output type |
Import |
Exit codes
Code |
Type |
Detail |
0 |
Success |
Success |
1 |
Error |
There was an error during execution |
2 |
Error |
There was an error authenticating with Power BI |
List dashboards
To list the dashboards that exist in a workspace and that the user can access, use a List dashboards command.
Property |
Detail |
Workspace ID |
Enter the ID of the workspace. |
Output |
Output type |
Dashboards |
Exit codes
Code |
Type |
Detail |
0 |
Success |
Success |
1 |
Error |
There was an error during execution |
2 |
Error |
There was an error authenticating with Power BI |
List datasets
To list the datasets that exist in a workspace and that the user can access, use a List datasets command.
Property |
Detail |
Workspace ID |
Enter the ID of the workspace. |
Output |
Output type |
Datasets |
Exit codes
Code |
Type |
Detail |
0 |
Success |
Success |
1 |
Error |
There was an error during execution |
2 |
Error |
There was an error authenticating with Power BI |
List gateway datasources
To list the datasources from a gateway, use a List gateway datasources command.
Property |
Detail |
Gateway ID |
Enter the ID of the gateway. |
Output |
Output type |
Datasources |
Exit codes
Code |
Type |
Detail |
0 |
Success |
Success |
1 |
Error |
There was an error during execution |
2 |
Error |
There was an error authenticating with Power BI |
List gateways
To list the gateway the user is an admin of, use a List gateways command.
Output |
Output type |
Gateways |
Exit codes
Code |
Type |
Detail |
0 |
Success |
Success |
1 |
Error |
There was an error during execution |
2 |
Error |
There was an error authenticating with Power BI |
List reports
To list the reports from a workspace, use a List reports command.
Property |
Detail |
Workspace ID |
Enter the ID of the workspace. |
Output |
Output type |
Reports |
Exit codes
Code |
Type |
Detail |
0 |
Success |
Success |
1 |
Error |
There was an error during execution |
2 |
Error |
There was an error authenticating with Power BI |
Rebind reports to dataset
To rebind a report from a workspace to a dataset, use a Rebind reports to dataset command.
Property |
Detail |
Workspace ID |
Enter the ID of the workspace. |
Report ID |
Enter the ID of the report. |
Dataset ID |
Enter the ID of the new dataset for the rebound report. |
Output |
Output type |
Report ID |
String |
Exit codes
Code |
Type |
Detail |
0 |
Success |
Success |
1 |
Error |
There was an error during execution |
2 |
Error |
There was an error authenticating with Power BI |
Refresh dataset
To refresh a workspace's dataset, use a Refresh dataset command.
Property |
Detail |
Workspace ID |
Enter the ID of the workspace. |
Dataset ID |
Enter the ID of the dataset. |
Notification Type |
Select the type of notification to send when the refresh completes. |
Exit codes
Code |
Type |
Detail |
0 |
Success |
Success |
1 |
Error |
There was an error during execution |
2 |
Error |
There was an error authenticating with Power BI |
Update report content
To update a report from a workspace to have the same content as another report, use an Update report content command.
Property |
Detail |
Workspace ID |
Enter the ID of the workspace. |
Report ID |
Enter the ID of the report. |
Source report ID |
Enter the ID of the source report. |
Source workspace ID |
Enter the ID of the workspace with the source report. |
Output |
Output type |
Report |
Exit codes
Code |
Type |
Detail |
0 |
Success |
Success |
1 |
Error |
There was an error during execution |
2 |
Error |
There was an error authenticating with Power BI |