To help visualize a query's results for at-a-glance analysis or comparison, a view's Owner or Editor can set its data to appear as a chart.
Select the chart type
To represent a view as a graph, click Charts , and select the type of visualization to use.
Type | Data Visualization | Suggested Use |
Column | Vertical bars, or columns | For comparisons, or to analyze variances or data with negative values. |
Bar | Horizontal bars | For comparisons with long labels that might not render legibly under a vertical column , or to analyze a large number of datasets. |
Line | Points connected by a solid line | To represent continuous data or analyze trends, patterns, or large changes over time. |
Scatter | Disconnected plotted points | To compare large numbers of data points regardless of time, or to analyze the relationship between variables; the closer plotted points are to forming a straight line, the stronger their relationship. |
Pie | A circular graph, with each data point as a separate segment, like pie slices | To analyze the components of a whole, or to compare categorical data. |
Bar stack | Vertical bars, broken down by subcategories | To compare multiple types of data within a single bar, or to analyze part-to-whole relationships. |
Bar line | A column chart with an overlapping line chart | To represent or analyze the relationship between different type of dependencies. |
Format values
You can set up how data should appear in the chart.
- Click Format , and select Format Cells ; or click Column Formats on the right panel.
- In Choose Column, select the data to format.
- In Column Type, select whether to display the data's values as a string, number, date string, or timestamp.
- In Text Align, select whether to align the data's values to the left or right.
- In Thousand Separator, select the separator to use with amounts in the thousands, such as a comma, period, or none.
- In Null Value, enter the text to appear when a value is empty. To not display any text, leave blank.
- For number data, specify how to display its amounts:
- In Decimal Separator, select whether to separate the integer and fractional parts of the number with a period or comma.
- In Max Decimal Spaces, enter how many digits to display for the fractional part of the number.
- In Currency Symbol, enter the symbol to use with monetary amounts, such as $.
- Select whether to format the number as a percent.
- Click Apply.
- Click Save , Save.
Tip: From the toolbar, you can select to Expand all or Collapse all values in a chart.
Conditionally format values
To help ease understanding or highlight special circumstances, you can set conditional formatting for values in the chart.
- Click Format , and select Conditional Formatting .
- To add a new format, click Add (+).
- For Value, select whether to apply the format to all values or only a specific value, and when to apply the format, such as "Less than 0" or "Empty".
- For Format, select the font type, size, and color to display values as with the format applied.
- Click Apply.
- Click Save , Save.