You can create numbered, bulleted, or outlined lists in your document to organize your content. With your lists, you can also customize its style and text from the Paragraph Properties panel.
There are three types of lists available:
- Bullet - Bullet your list from a variety of shapes.
- Numbered - Number your list in numeral, alphabetic, or roman.
- Outline - Organize your content into a hierarchy.
Create a list
To create a new list:
- 1
- Click where you want to add your list.
- 2
- From the Edit toolbar, select bulleted list or numbered list .
- 3
- To select a different bullet or numbering format, click the arrow next to the icon to access the dropdown menu. To learn how to use Format Painter to customize your bullets, see Format Painter.
You can also create a list in your document manually by entering a number or letter on a new line, followed by a period and a space. This automatically creates the first list entry.
You can also create and customize lists through the style guide. To learn more, read Use style guides for documents.
Adjust the level of list items
You can divide lists into different subsections by adjusting the levels of your list items.
To adjust the level of an item:
- 1
- Highlight the line you want to adjust.
- 2
- From the Edit toolbar, select Increase Indent or press Tab on your keyboard.
To return an item to its original level:
- 1
- Highlight the list item you want to adjust.
- 2
- From the Edit toolbar, select Decrease Indent or press Shift + Tab on your keyboard.
Edit list properties
You can edit list properties, such as bullet and number type, from the Paragraph Properties panel.
To manage list properties:
- 1
- Right-click your list.
- 2
- From the menu, select Paragraph Properties to open the Lists options.
You can access different formatting options from the Lists section:
- Continue numbering from previous item lets you continue list numbering from a previous list.
- Restart numbering allows you to reset the numbering for numbered lists and choose which number you want to restart at.
- List Text adds text to each list item. A prefix appears before the list item, while a suffix appears after the list item.
To further customize lists, we recommend using the style guide. To learn more, read Use style guides. Outline lists has an Advanced levels list text section in the Style Editor, where you can add prefixes and suffixes to your list levels.
Restart or continue list numbering
Restart numbering
For numbered lists, you can reset the numbering at any time using the Restart Numbering tool.
To restart list numbering:
- 1
- Right-click the point in the list where you want to restart numbering.
- 2
- From the menu, select Restart Numbering to reset the selected item to 1. The following items are numbered sequentially.
Continue numbering
You can also use this feature to return the list to its original numbering format or to continue numbering across sections.
To continue list numbering:
- 1
- Right-click the point in the list you want to return to the original numbering.
- 2
- From the menu, select Continue Numbering to reset the numbering to its original sequence.
- When choosing Continue Numbering from the right-click menu or Continue numbering from previous item in the right-hand panel, lists that are created across multiple sections will be continuous.
Additional Resources:
List Styles - List styles allow you to apply uniform formatting to your bullet and numbered lists within a document, spreadsheet, or presentation.
Numbered list references - Numbered list references allow you to insert a hyperlink that directs users to an existing list number in your document.
Use style guides for documents - Learn how to apply, edit, and create list styles within the style guide.