This article is for:
Use the Special dates option to create dates that are not part of the standard fiscal calendar.
Create special dates
To create dates that are not part of a fiscal calendar:
- 1
- Open the document, click the XBRL tab, and make sure Show XBRL is on.
- 2
- Choose an XBRL profile if one is not already applied.
- 3
- Select Attributes on the XBRL toolbar, and then click Dates in the drop-down menu.
- 4
- In the XBRL Dates window, select the Special tab.
- 5
- In the new date row, select either Instant or Duration for the period type. Make sure the period type matches the concept period type you will use for the fact.
- 6
- Enter the date(s) and add a nickname (optional).
- 7
- Click Create.
Use special dates
Concepts have either an instant or duration period type. The dates or date ranges available for your fact are based on the selected concept’s period type.
To use a special date for a fact:
- 1
- Click Add Date in the Fact Details panel.
- 2
- Click the Special tab in the XBRL Dates dialog box.
- 3
- Use the following filters to more quickly find the date you need:
- All shows all available dates.
- Duration shows only XBRL dates that have a period type of Duration.
- Instant shows only XBRL dates that have a period type of Instant.
- Deprecated shows all deprecated dates.
- 4
- Select a date and click Apply.
Note: If you create a new special date while a fact is selected in the document, the dates you can create are limited to the period type that matches the concept.
Edit special dates
To edit special dates:
- 1
- Open the document, click the XBRL tab, and make sure Show XBRL is on.
- 2
- Choose an XBRL profile if one is not already applied.
- 3
- Select Attributes on the XBRL toolbar, and then click Dates in the drop-down menu.
- 4
- In the XBRL Dates window, select the Special tab.
- 5
- Select Edit from the drop-down menu for the date you want to change.
- 6
- Make changes and click Save to finish.
Deprecate special dates
Use the Deprecate option to remove a special date from the list of available special dates you can use for a fact. This does not permanently delete a special date, so you can add it back later.
To deprecate special dates:
- 1
- Open the document, click the XBRL tab, and make sure Show XBRL is on.
- 2
- Choose an XBRL profile if one is not already applied.
- 3
- Select Attributes on the XBRL toolbar, and then click Dates in the drop-down menu.
- 4
- In the XBRL Dates window, select the Special tab.
- 5
- Select Deprecate from the drop-down menu for the date you want to remove.
When you deprecate dates:
- The date moves to the Deprecated list with a symbol next to it indicating it is deprecated.
- If the special date is still in use by a fact, a warning on the date in the Fact Details panel lets you know it is deprecated and you need to select a different date.
Undeprecate special dates
To undeprecate special dates:
- 1
- Select Attributes on the XBRL toolbar, and then click Dates in the drop-down menu.
- 2
- In the XBRL Dates window, select the Special tab.
- 3
- Select the Deprecate filter.
- 4
- Undeprecate a special date by clicking the drop-down menu and selecting Undeprecate.