Workiva has numerous ways to customize documents to suit your needs, allowing you to meet the standards and guidelines of your company. In order to give you the flexibility to create documents with your preferred style, Workiva has made a large library of fonts available to be enabled upon request. Below are the typefaces we have available. Many of them have multiple styles and weights, (eg. Bold, Semi-bold, Heavy, Light, etc.) and we've tried to include the most popular ones, but we may not have all possible styles and weights available.
If you'd like one or more of these fonts enabled in your Workiva Organization, please contact your CSM (or Workiva Support if unknown) and include the name(s) of the font(s) you would like enabled for your organization.
To see font examples, download them here.
Abri Barcode 39A | Gadugi | Officina Serif ITC Pro* |
Abril Fatface | Galano Grotesque* | Open Sans* |
Acta Display ExtraBold | Garamond | Optima LT Pro |
Adelle Sans* | Gelasio* | Optima nova LT |
Adobe Caslon Pro* | General Sans* | Orbitron* |
Adobe Fangsong (仿宋) | Gentium Basic | Oswald* |
Adobe Heiti (黑体)+ | Geologica Roman* | Outfit* |
Adobe Kaiti (华文楷体) | Geomanist* | Overpass* |
Adobe Song (宋体)+ | Georgia* | Palatino* |
Agenda* | Gibson* | Panton |
Albert Sans* | Gilroy* | Pilat* |
Aldine 401 BT | Gill Sans MT* | Playfair Display |
Aleo* | Gill Sans Nova* | Plus Jakarta Sans* |
Alright Sans* | Giorgio Sans Bold | PMingLiU+ |
Alternate Gothic Pro No 3 | Glober* | Poppins* |
Amasis MT Pro | Gloock | PoynterOldStyle Disp Nw* |
Amiri | Good Offc Pro* | Praxis Next |
Anton | Gotham* | Prometo* |
Antonio* | Gothic A1 | Prompt* |
Apollo MT Std* | GoudyOlSt BT | Pridi* |
Aptos* | Grandview | Proxima Nova* |
Aquawax Pro* | Graphik* | PT Sans Pro |
Archivo* | Grotesque MT Std | PT Serif* |
Arial* | Guardian Sans* | Public Sans* |
Arial Nova* | Gulim Regular+ | Raleway* |
Arial Unicode MS | Halant* | Rama Gothic E SemiBold |
Asap* | Helvetica* | Recursive* |
Assistant* | HelveticaNeueLT* | Red Hat Display |
Atkinson Hyperlegible | Helvetica Neue World* | Roboto* |
Atica | Helvetica Now Text* | Rockwell MT |
Avenir LT Pro* | Humanist 777 BT* | Rockwell Nova Light |
Axiforma* | IBM Plex Sans* | Rockwell Std* |
Barlow* | Impact | Ronaldson |
Barlow Condensed* | Inconsolata | Rubik* |
Batang Regular+ | Infra* | Sabon MT Pro |
BatangChe+ | Inter* | Saira ExtraCondensed Bold |
Bauer Bodoni Pro | Inter Tight* | Saira SemiCondensed* |
BC Sans Regular* | Interstate Condensed | Sanomat* |
Be Vietnam Pro* | ITC Avant Garde Pro* | Sarabun* |
Bebas Neue | ITC Charter Com* | Satisfy Regular |
Belleza | ITCFranklinGothic LT Pro* | Scala Offc |
Bembo | ITC Lubalin Graph Std* | Scala Sans Pro* |
Benton Sans Md | IvyMode | Schibsted Grotesk* |
Bitter* | JostAST Book* | Segoe Script |
BIZ UDGothic+ | Kalam* | Sen* |
BIZ UDPGothic+ | Karla | Seol Sans*+ |
Bobby Jones* | Kievit Pro* | Serifa Std* |
BodoniAST 11* | Klint Pro* | Sharp Grotesk Medium 22 |
Bodoni MT* | Lato* | Slate* |
Book Antiqua | League Gothic | Sofia Pro* |
Bookman Old Style | Legacy Sans ITC* | Sora* |
Brother 1816* | Leitura News* | Source Sans Pro* |
Browailia New+ | Lettera Text LL* | Source Serif Pro |
Brush Script MT | Lexend Deca* | Space Grotesk* |
Butler | Lexend Zetta* | Space Mono |
Cabin | Libre Baskerville | Springwood Brush |
Caecilia LT Pro* | Libre Caslon Text | SST* |
Cairo* | Libre Franklin* | Stag* |
Calibri* | Livvic* | Supreme LL TT* |
Cambria* | Lora* | Swis721 BT* |
Campton Book | Lovelo Line* | Syne* |
Campton Light | LTC Law | Tahoma |
Candara | Lucida Sans* | Tarsus |
Catamaran* | Lufga* | Tazugane Gothic+ |
Caveat* | M XiangHe Hei SC Pro+ | Tenorite |
Celeste | M XiangHe Hei TC+ | Tinos |
Centra No2* | Macho Extra Bold | Tisa Sans OT* |
CentSchbook BT* | Mada* | Titillium Web |
Century Gothic | Malgun Gothic | Teko* |
Clan Pro* | Manrope* | Trade Gothic* |
Clearface Gothic LT* | Mark OT* | Trade Gothic Next LT Pro* |
Comfortaa* | Martel* | Trajan Pro |
Copperplate Gothic LT Pro 31 AB | Maven Pro* | Trebuchet* |
Corbel | Meiryo+ | TT Commons Pro* |
Corben | Memphis LT Medium | TT Hoves* |
Cormorant Garamond* | Meridien LT Std Roman* | TT Interphases Pro* |
Cormorant Infant* | Merriweather* | TT Norms Pro* |
Corporate A* | Meta OT* | TT Travels* |
Corporate E Light | MHei HK*+ | Tungsten Light |
Corporate S* | MHei PRC*+ | Tungsten Medium |
Courier New | Microsoft JhengHei*+ | Tw Cen MT Std |
Dax* | MKai HK*+ | Ubuntu* |
DIN* | Mincho* | Uni Sans Book |
DIN 2014* | Montserrat* | Uniform* |
DIN Neuzeit Grotesk Pro* | MSung HK*+ | Unit OT |
DIN Next* | MS Gothic+ | Unit Slab OT |
Diodrum* | MS PGothic+ | Univers* |
DFKai SB+ | Muli* | Univers LT* |
DM Sans* | Mulish* | Univers Next* |
DM Serif Display | Museo* | Univia Pro* |
Dotum+ | Myriad Pro* | Unna |
EB Garamond* | National* | Untitled Sans* |
Ebrima | Neo Sans Std* | Urbane Rounded* |
Effra* | Neue Haas Grotesk Display Pro* | URW Geometric* |
Electra LT Std* | NeueHaasGroteskText Std* | URWGrotesk |
Encode Sans* | Neue Haas Unica Pro | Utopia* |
Equip* | Neue Haas Unica Pro Light | VAGRounded LT* |
Etelka* | Neue Haas Unica Pro Medium | Vanitas |
Eurostile LT Pro Condensed | Neuton Regular* | Verdana* |
Exo 2* | NeuzeitGro | Viga |
Fabrikat Normal* | New Baskerville ITC Pro | Vitro* |
Filson Soft Regular | News Gothic* | Volkhorn* |
Figtree* | Nexa Book | Weave Pro* |
Fira Sans* | Nexa Extra Bold | Wix Madefor Text* |
Forum | Nohemi* | Work Sans* |
Frank Ruhl Libre | Noto Sans* | Yeseva One |
Freestyle Script Std | Noto Serif | Yu Gothic+ |
Frutiger LT* | Nunito | ZapfCalligr BT |
Frutiger Next Pro* | Zapfino Extra LT One | |
FS Albert* | Zilla Slab* | |
FS Brabo* | ||
FS Emeric | ||
FS Sinclair | ||
Futura* | ||
Futura Std Condensed* | ||
Futura Now Text | ||
Futura Pro Book* | ||
Futura Std |
* Font available in multiple weights
+ Font supports Chinese, Japanese, Korean, or Thai
✝ Font supports Arabic or Hebrew
If you'd like to request the addition of a typeface to the Workiva font library, please also contact your CSM or Workiva Support with the information about the requested font, such as name, styles wanted, and links to the font vendor (if applicable). We will investigate license availability and may be able to add the requested fonts for use in the Workiva platform. We may not be able to accommodate all requests due to specific requirements in license availability necessary to add fonts to the Workiva platform.
For font copyright info, click here.