Use stars
Star files and folders in Home to keep track of important items or to create a list of files you are working on. Each person can star files unique to them and only you can see your starred items. You can star up to 60 items.
You can star any file or folder you have access to, such as an important document, an upcoming presentation, or a folder with multiple files in it. View your starred items in Home or Files by clicking Starred.
Star a file or folder
To star a file:
- 1
- In Home or Files, find the file or folder you want to star.
- 2
- Click the Star .
- 3
- The item is then added to your list of starred items.
You can also star an item by right-clicking it and selecting star.
Unstar a file or folder
To unstar a file:
- 1
- In Home or Files, click Starred.
- 2
- Find the file or folder you want to unstar.
- 3
- Click the Star .
You can also unstar an item by right-clicking it and selecting Unstar.