In Home, you can access and organize all your files and activities in one place. You can view your recent files, manage tasks, and review comments.
Note: You'll only see files you have access to based on your permissions.
Navigate Around Home
After you sign in, you'll land in Home—the central location for all your documents, files, and activities. You may see additional options in the left menu, depending on your solution and access. In Home, you can find:
- Recent Files contains a list of the files you’ve recently opened. This is helpful to keep track of the items you last worked on.
- Starred contains a list of items that you've starred. This is helpful to keep track of important files.
- Processes is a list of all processes for which you have at least Viewer permissions. Filter and sort processes and view the status of each one from this tab.
- Tasks contains a list of tasks that you can filter. View tasks by status or manage tasks you've created or assigned to others.
Comments lists comments you've made on documents or @mentions. Filter comments by author or date (if enabled for your organization). You can also delete multiple comments from Home.
Note: Comments in your Home is currently in beta. To request access, contact your Customer Success Manager.
Files with unpublished links will be marked by a black triangle in the lower right-hand corner of the file icon. When you select a file, you can see the folder location for it in the bottom.
Find Your Files
Files allow you to access all of your items in a single place. You’ll see a list folders and the files you have permission to access. Folders are the primary way of organizing all of your files, such as documents and spreadsheets. They also help make things easier to find.
In Files, you can find:
- All Files contains a directory of all the files you have permission to access. Think of this as your main file directory.
- Recent Files contains a list of the files you’ve recently opened. This is helpful to keep track of the items you last worked on.
- Starred contains a list of items that you've starred. This is helpful to keep track of important files.
- Filings contain all of the filings in a workspace, if applicable to your solution.
- Projects contains a list of all the projects you have permission to access.
- Trash contains items that have been deleted.
You can sort the columns by Name, Type, and Last Modified by clicking the column title.
Search for Files
You can search for files in the top right corner. Search looks for any matches within the file title, including file type. You can also search for specific file types, such as a spreadsheet.
As you type, the results show in a list below search. Results are updated as you continue to search. Pressing Enter performs the search and then shows the results below. Click on any of the results to open a file. For example, if you enter "2020", you’ll see a list of results matching.
Open Files
To open a file, click on the name of the file or double-click on the row for the file. The file will open in a new tab. You can open multiple files in the same window, and then switch back and forth between them using the tabs.
For classic files, if you already have a file open in another browser tab or window, any subsequent classic files will open in the existing tab or window.
Share a Link to Content
You can copy a link to files and folders in Home to share with your collaborators. Right-click an item and select Copy URL to copy the link to your clipboard. This allows you to share a link to content, including folders, without needing to open it.