Create letters from scratch or from templates to then use in certification actions in processes.
Create a certification letter
To create a certification letter:
- Click Letters in the process toolbar.
- Then click New letter or New template to start creating your letter.
- Give the letter a Letter name, change the Point of contact, view the letter information, and change the Certification options as desired. Then click Apply.
- Click Add content to add your first content to the letter. You can also click the plus sign in the letter outline. There are three types of content you can add to your letter: Text, Questions, and Attachments.
- When adding text, you can format its styling and add hyperlinks.
- When adding questions, enter your question and fill out the response options in the Question details panel. You can mark a response option as an Exception if choosing that option when signing the letter will require review and approval.
- You can rename, rearrange, or delete any of the content using the letter outline.
Note: You won’t be able to further edit your letter once it’s sent out to the signer to sign.
Certification letter properties
You can click Properties in the toolbar to change the Letter name, change the Point of contact, view the letter information, and change the Certification options.
By default, signers are required to type their full names when signing letters. You can change this by selecting the certification option to require signers to click to sign instead.
Manage certification letters and templates
To manage your letters and templates, click Letters in the toolbar. Letters will only exist in the process in which they were created.
If you want to create a template to use for future certifications in processes, you can click New template or save an existing letter as a template by clicking the Save as template option in the dropdown menu next to the letter. All templates will exist at the workspace level and can be found either in the Templates tab or under Files.