From an ESG Program, you add metrics to help track and manage data collection for an Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) reporting. For each metric, you can collect one value per time period, or multiple values based on dimensions such as location or demographic.
To provide metrics' values, you can:
- Enter them directly in the metric, when the ESG Program is the source of truth.
- Pull them from connected source spreadsheets or documents, such as a data collection spreadsheet or policy manual.
- Request assigned workspace members to collect and approve them through Workiva Tasks
Tip: Before you set up a metric for data collection, select the type of values it collects from the Configure metric panel.
Assign values for collection or approval
To enable data collection of the metric's values, specify workspace members to prepare and verify the metric's values — through a connected source file or Workiva Tasks — for each collection period.
If the metric collects a single value for collection period, assign its members in Metric assignment.
- In Assignee and Assignee due, select the member to collect the value, and set their due date.
- To verify the value collected:
- To have a single member verify the value, select them in Approver and their due date in Approval due.
- To have multiple members verify the value, select Multiple approvers in Approver, and set up their approval steps.
- In Instructions, enter any guidance to help the assignee and approver complete their tasks, such as:
- Details about the value or data to collect
- Any related framework-specific guidance
- The context of the value's narrative in the reporting output
If the metric has a dimension applied, set up each value's assignment for the collection period.
Tip: To assign multiple values to the same assignee and approvers, select the values in Metric value, and click Edit values.
- From the value's menu, select Edit details.
- In Assignee and Assignee due, select the member to collect and prepare the value, and their due date.
- To verify the value collected:
- To have a single member verify the value, select them in Approver and their due date in Approval due.
- To have multiple members verify the value, select Multiple approvers in Approver, and set up their approval steps.
- In Instructions, enter any guidance to help the assignee and approver complete their tasks, such as:
- Details about the value or data to collect
- Any related framework-specific guidance
- The context of the value's narrative in the reporting output
- To set up the assignment for another value, click Next or Back to its details.
- After you assign the metric's values, click Close.
Set up values for metrics without dimensions
For a metric with no dimensions, set up each time period's value for data collection, including the workspace members assigned to collect and approve values.
- In Metric assignment, select the workspace members to collect and approve the value.
Tip: To enter the value directly in the metric, keep yourself as its assignee, and select when you enter the value as its due date.
In Metric value, enter, connect, or request the value.
Note: To have collaborators collect data through a connected source file or Workiva Tasks, connect or request the value, respectively.
Tip: To enter a value for a metric already connected to a source, first disconnect the source.
To enter the value directly in the metric:
- In Value, enter the metric's value
- In Metric notes, enter any general information about the value, such as additional context for the report's narrative or to appear as a footnote.
- In Supporting attachments, upload any files about the specific value, such as evidence or calculations.
- Complete the task:
- If there's no approver assigned, select Complete value from the value's menu.
- If there's an approver assigned, click Send task, then send the value for approval from Workiva Tasks.
- If there's no approver assigned, select Complete value from the value's menu.
Tip: You can track the data collection from the metric or its ESG Program or topic.
Tip: If the metric already has a value entered, first clear the Value field.
To pull the value from a source file:
- In Value, click Connect to source file.
- In Source file, search for the file with the value to connect by name, or select it from recent files.
Tip: To connect a different source file, click Remove source, and then search for or select the new source file.
- In Source section, select which sheet or section of the source file contains the value.
- In Value, click Open source , and connect the value's cell or content to the metric.
- In Metric notes, enter any information about the value, such as additional context for the report's narrative or to appear as a footnote.
- In Supporting attachments, upload any files about the specific value, such as evidence or calculations.
- Click Send task.
When you send a value's task, its assignee receives a notification in Home and their email inbox. After the assignee enters the value in the connected source file, they can complete their task and send the value to the approver — if assigned — from the ESG metrics panel.
When the assignee completes their task, the assigned approver then receives their task to verify the value provided.
Tip: You can track the data collection from the metric or its ESG Program or topic.
Note: To collect the value through Workiva Tasks, leave Value empty, and don't connect a source file. If metric already has a connected source, first click Remove source.
From Workiva Tasks, workspace members can collect and approve values for ESG reporting through a streamlined view of the metric's details, including any description and related ESG content.
To have the assignee and approver complete their tasks from Workiva Tasks:
- In Metric value, enter additional details or supplemental context to help the assignee or approver complete their tasks:
- In Metric notes, enter any information about the value, such as additional context for the report's narrative or to appear as a footnote.
- In Supporting attachments, upload any files about the value, such as evidence or calculations.
Note: The assignee or approver can also provide or edit these details from Workiva Tasks.
- Click Send task. The assignee will receive a notification — in Home and their email inbox — to collect the value from Workiva Tasks.
Tip: When the assignee completes their task, the approver receives their task to verify the value from Workiva Tasks. You can track the data collection from the metric or its ESG Program or topic.
Set up collection for dimensional values
If a metric has a dimension applied, it collects multiple values for each collection period.
In Metric value, you can enter, connect, or request each dimensional value to enable its data collection.
Note: To have collaborators collect data through a connected source file or Workiva Tasks, connect or request the value, respectively.
Tip: To enter a value for a metric already connected to a source, first click Remove source.
To enter a dimensional value directly in the metric:
- In Assignee, verify that you are assigned the value.
- To track when you entered the value or assign an approver, select Edit details from the value's menu to set up its assignment:
- In Task due, select the date you entered the value.
Tip: Since you entered the value directly in the metric, keep yourself as its assignee.
- To have another member verify your value, select them in Approver and specify their due date and any instructions.
- In Task due, select the date you entered the value.
- In Value, enter the metric's value.
- In Supporting, provide any supplemental material:
- Click Notes to enter any general information about the value, such as additional context for the report's narrative or to appear as a footnote.
- Click Supporting attachments upload any files that support the value, such as utility bills, calculations, or other evidence. to
- If the value as no approver, select Complete task from its menu to update its status.
Tip: If the metric already has a value, first clear the Value field to select its source file.
To pull a dimensional value from a source file:
- From the value's menu, select Edit details.
- In Value, click Connect to source file.
- In Source file, search for the file with the value to connect by name, or select it from recent files.
Tip: To connect a different source file, click Remove source, and then search for or select the new source file.
- In Source section, select which sheet or section of the source file contains the value.
- In Value, click Open source , and connect the value's cell or content to the metric.
- If you already have supplemental material about the value:
- In Metric notes, enter any information about the value, such as additional context for the report's narrative or to appear as a footnote.
- In Supporting attachments, upload any files about the value, such as evidence or calculations.
Note: The assignee can also provide these details from the ESG panel of the connected source file.
- Click Close.
Note: To collect the value through Workiva Tasks, leave Value empty, and don't connect a source file. If metric already has a connected source, first click Remove source.
From Workiva Tasks, workspace members can collect and approve values for ESG reporting through a streamlined view of the metric's details, including any description and related ESG content.
To have the assignee and approver complete their tasks from Workiva Tasks:
- Leave Value blank.
- In Supporting, provide any supplemental material you may already have for the value:
- Click Notes to enter any general information about the value, such as additional context for the report's narrative or to appear as a footnote.
- Click Supporting attachments upload any files that support the value, such as utility bills, calculations, or other evidence. to
Note: The assignee or approver can also provide or edit these details from Workiva Tasks.
Step 3. Send the values' tasks
After you set up the dimensions' values for the time period, click Send tasks.
- For values with a connected source, assignees and approvers can enter or verify the value in the source file, and complete their task from the file's ESG metrics panel.
- For values without a connected source, assignees and approvers complete their tasks from Workiva Tasks.
Note: If you enter values directly in the metric, click Complete metric values to update the ESG Program's data collection status.
You can track the data collection from the metric or its ESG Program or topic.