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SEC filing fee exhibit requirement



3 Kommentare

  • Offizieller Kommentar
    Courtnie Carver

    Just a quick update regarding EDGAR Filing Fees:

    Please follow this post to stay up-to-date as we learn more about Filing Fee Disclosure and Payment Methods Modernization.

  • Mike

    RE:  Filing Fee Disclosure and Payment Methods Modernization Timeline and Beta Testing

    Hello community!

    We have some new information regarding the Filing Fee Disclosure and Payments Methods Modernization timeline that was recently published. 

    Starting Oct. 2, 2023, a beta environment will be available with the SEC to test iXBRL for the fee calculation exhibit. Filers must sign-up for beta testing no later than August 31, 2023.

    To sign up, send an to FilingFeeBetaFeedback@sec.gov including company name and CIK.  The sender email address must be the EDGAR contact listed in EDGAR.

    Important dates:

    • August 31, 2023: deadline to sign-up for beta testing
    • October 2, 2023: EDGAR Beta testing begins
    • January 31, 2024: voluntary compliance period for submission of iXBRL fee exhibits begins
    • July 31, 2024: large accelerated filers mandated to tag their fee data in iXBRL
    • July 21, 2025: all other filers mandated to tag their fee data in iXBRL

    Workiva will continue to monitor SEC communication on this topic. Please follow this post to stay up-to-date as we learn more about Filing Fee Disclosure and Payment Methods Modernization.

  • Janet Holland

    Has anybody actually tried the beta testing?

    We tried and got error message when submit. Some of the errors it points to are "document created using Wdesk", "document contains Wdesk copyright"...we use Workiva for pretty much all of our SEC filings. Now for beta testing, we can't use Wdesk to create the document for testing purpose?


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