[On Demand] Lunch & Learn: How FERC Filers Are Choosing XBRL Vendors
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Key Takeaways
As energy companies prepare to meet FERC’s XBRL® requirements, hear from peers about how they’re evaluating XBRL software and service vendors, what capabilities they’re seeking, and what steps teams are taking to ensure they’re ready to meet the new XBRL filing mandate in 2021.
After this discussion, attendees will be able to:
Recall how other energy companies are approaching the vendor selection process and prioritizing capabilities
List what reporting teams are doing now to prepare for a successful implementation of XBRL tags to their filings
Evaluate the potential risks associated with waiting too long or being ill-prepared to apply XBRL tags to their FERC forms
XBRL® is a trademark of XBRL International, Inc. All rights reserved. The XBRL® standards are open and freely licensed by way of the XBRL International License Agreement.
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