Now Available: Workiva Platform Training in Japanese
Great news! Introducing the newly translated Workivaプラットフォーム認定 (Workiva Platform Training) certification path, which now includes a translated version of Workivaの使用 (Using Workiva).
Translated Path and Course Titles:
- Workivaプラットフォーム認定 (Workiva Platform Training)
- Workivaの概要 (Discover Workiva)
- Workivaの使用 (Using Workiva)
- 試験 - Workiva プラットフォーム (Workiva Platform Training Exam)
What you need to know:
- Professional Translation: All path materials have been translated by experienced linguists and native speakers at Workiva, ensuring accurate and clear content in Japanese.
- Providing relevant and accurate content: The Workivaの使用 (Using Workiva) course replaces the previously translated レポート: アクセス、作成、共同作業 (Report: Access, Create & Collaborate) course with a fresh look and our most up-to-date platform details.
- Completion Status: Learners who have already completed the Discover Workiva course will find it marked as complete within the path.
- Badge Recognition: Upon completing the entire path, learners will receive a localized badge from Credly.
- Access Points: Using Workiva is readily available in the Learning Hub in the 日本語コース (Japanese Courses) catalog.
- Feedback Matters: While we know we still have a lot of work to do around globalization and localization, we want to know if we’re on the right track! Feel free to leave feedback on the course or the translation quality here or by emailing
Happy Learning!
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