Now Available: Workiva Platform Training in Multiple Languages
It’s here! Introducing the newly translated Workiva Platform Training certification path, which now includes translated versions of Discover Workiva in addition to the previously available Using Workiva course in Spanish, French, and German!
What you need to know:
- Professional Translation: Our course materials have been translated by experienced linguists and native speakers at Workiva, ensuring accurate and clear content in Spanish, French, and German.
- Completion Status: Learners who have already completed the Using Workiva course will find it marked as complete within the path.
- Badge Recognition: Upon completing the entire path, learners will receive a badge in their respective language recognizing their achievement from Credly.
- Access Points: Search for the courses or paths by name on the Learning Hub, or find them by browsing the specific language collections.
Translated Path and Course Titles
Workiva Platform Training - Path
- Discover Workiva - Course
- Using Workiva - Course
- Workiva Platform Training - Exam
Plateforme Workiva
- Découvrir Workiva
- Utilisation de Workiva
- Examen - Plateforme Workiva
Workiva Plattform
- Erste Schritte mit Workiva
- Nutzung von Workiva
- Prüfung - Workiva Plattform
Plataforma Workiva
- Descubre Workiva
- Uso de Workiva
- Examen - Plataforma Workiva
Feedback Matters! As we continue to enhance our globalization and localization efforts, your feedback is crucial. Please share your thoughts on the course or translation quality with us at
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