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Register for our new Intro to Filing pilot



4 Kommentare

  • Alice Helmke

    Hi! I have a beginner level question. Please define "filing" (e.g., filing 10k/10Q, Section 16, other).

  • Shoshanna LaDay

    Hi Alice, thank you for your question. In this instructor-led course, we'll primarily focus on a 10-K document. However, the skills and knowledge you'll gain are not limited to just this type of filing. You'll find that what we cover can also be easily and seamlessly applied to preparing 10-Q and 8-K filings. Hopefully, I will see you there!

  • Alma Lara

    Will there be another training on this? I went to register, and it said sold out.

  • Shoshanna LaDay

    Hello Alma, I appreciate your inquiry. Kindly check your email, as I've forwarded you a message containing additional details.


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