Multi-sheet editing is only available in ESG, FERC, and select SEC solutions. Reach out to your Customer Success Manager with any inquiries regarding this add-on.
Multi-sheet editing allows you to perform the same edit across multiple sheets in your spreadsheet. In the event that your edit action is not completed successfully, you can use the guide below to address these error messages.
目錄 |
Permissions denied |
Unable to edit a locked section |
Unable to edit while in input mode |
Changes not applied to locked cells |
Couldn’t paste content |
Restricted, locked, or View Only sheets
If any of the selected sheets are restricted, locked, or View Only, you may encounter the error messages below when attempting to make edits.
錯誤訊息 | 解決方法 |
Permissions denied | To request access, contact a spreadsheet Owner. To see a list of Owners, check out the Permissions on the File toolbar. Once an Owner has granted you permission of the section(s), you can continue editing. |
Unable to edit a locked section | A file Owner or section Owner can select the locked sheet(s) in the outline and unlock them to allow editing to continue. Alternatively, you can remove the locked sheet(s) from your outline selection before using multi-sheet editing. |
Input cells in input mode
When a sheet is in input mode, changes can only be made to input cells. The following error can occur in multi-sheet editing when attempting to edit non-input cells with input mode enabled.
錯誤訊息 | 解決方法 |
Unable to edit while in input mode | You can’t perform this action on non-input cells for sheets with input mode enabled. Ensure that the input cells across all selected sheets have the same cell range before editing. |
Locked cells and incoming connections
The following errors occur in multi-sheet editing when certain edits are applied to locked or connected cells.
錯誤訊息 | 解決方法 |
Changes not applied to locked cells | One or more cells in your selection are locked. Unlock the cell(s) or make a new cell selection before editing. To view the locked cells, click Show Overlay on the View toolbar. |
Changes not applied to locked cells | Your selection includes connected cells. The content in these cells in derived from another source, causing these cells to be locked in the sheet. To view the locked cells, click Show Overlay on the View toolbar. |
Cutting and pasting
The following error occurs in multi-sheet editing when attempting to cut content from one sheet and paste it into another sheet while multiple sheets are selected.
錯誤訊息 | 解決方法 |
Couldn’t paste content | 選取多張工作表時,必須將內容貼到剪下內容來源的相同工作表。若要將內容貼到與剪下內容來源不同的工作表,請在貼上前,先在大綱中選取單一工作表。 |
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