Email notifications are enabled by default and can’t be turned off at the workspace level. However, you can choose specific settings for your email notifications under the Notifications section.
Display comment
您可以選擇是否要]在電子郵件通知中顯示註解。If you select this option, the comment will be shown in the email notification along with the name of the person who left the comment. If you don’t select this option, you will have to open the file to view the comment.
Display sender name
Email bundling
If you choose to enable bundling, you’ll need to set the minimum and maximum delay for the notifications.
- 最短延遲時間:設定係統在傳送捆綁通知之前應等待的最短時間。That is, if this amount of time passes without any new notification activity, the notifications bundle will be sent. 此值不可大於1440分鐘。
- 最大延遲時間:設定係統在傳送捆綁通知之前延遲的最長時間。That means this is the longest amount of time allowed between when an activity occurs and when the user is notified. 此值不可大於1440分鐘。
Let’s say the minimum is set to five minutes. 如果在第2分鐘和第6分鐘在註釋中提及使用者,且沒有其他活動發生,他們會在第11分鐘收到有關兩條註釋的通知。
假設將最大值設定為20分鐘。If a user is mentioned in a comment every two to three minutes, they’ll be notified of all comments 20 minutes after the first comment activity occurred.
Forward notifications
You can automatically forward email notifications from one user to another. With forward notifications, notifications that are sent to the original recipients will also be sent to other users of your choosing.
To add forward notifications:
- Go to Forward notifications under the Configuration tab.
Click Add forward notification.
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Select the original recipient of the notifications, and click
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Select one or more users to forward the notifications to, and click
You can review your forward notifications in the table, and click on the menu next to a configuration to Edit or Remove it.
Forward notifications
You can automatically forward email notifications from one user to another. With forward notifications, notifications that are sent to the original recipients will also be sent to other users of your choosing.
Note: For security reasons, links that navigate to the Workiva platform will not be included in the forwarded email.
To add forward notifications:
- Go to Forward Notifications under the Configuration tab.
- Click Add forward notification.
- Select the original recipient of the notifications, and click Next.
- Select one or more users to forward the notifications to, and click Finish.
You can review your forward notifications in the table, and click on the menu next to a configuration to Edit or Remove it.
Note: Forward notifications can be configured for up to 50 original recipients. Each original recipient can have up to 10 users to forward their notifications to.