建立群組後,工作區擁有者可以向群組新增使用者或從中移除使用者。This helps you manage any permissions that include the group.
Add users to a group
To add users to a group:
- In the top right, click your workspace name and select Settings to open the Workspace Settings.
- From the Groups tab, select a group and click Add Members in the Actions dropdown.
- Find the user you’d like to add by searching or scrolling through the list and then check the box next to the user's name.
You can select to hide existing workspace members to help with searching and filtering for users.
- 按一下[新增至群組]即可完成。
Update group memberships in bulk via CSV file
To help save time when you need to add many users to various groups, you can instead update users’ group memberships in bulk using a CSV file.
To update group memberships via CSV file:
- In the top right, click your workspace name and select Settings to open the Workspace Settings.
- On the Groups tab, click Update Groups.
- 下載 CSV 範本以協助您準確設定格式,並填寫。如果使用您自己的檔案,請確保資料欄標頭與範本中的標題相符。
- Usernames must already exist in the workspace.
- Group names must already exist in the workspace.
Note: The groups that are obtained from the CSV file will replace the users’ current group memberships. Only the All Users group membership will stay the same no matter what groups are listed in the file.
- 有效的CSV檔案如下所示:
- 上傳檔案,然後按一下「下一步」。
- Review the list of users and groups that were obtained from the CSV file. Note that the users’ current group memberships will be replaced with the groups obtained from the file.
- 按一下「繼續」(Next)。
- Click Upload another file to update more group memberships, or click Finish.
Remove users from a group
To remove users from a group:
- In the top right, click your workspace name and select Settings to open the Workspace Settings.
- 從 [群組] 索引標籤選取群組。
- Find the users you’d like to remove by searching or scrolling through the list. Then, check the box next to the user's name.
- 按一下「移除成員」。
- Confirm that you’d like to remove the user.