Display your chart information clearly and effectively by modifying the axis and series settings. Show or hide axis titles and labels. Rotate labels for easier reading. Show or hide grid and axis lines. Choose step settings and adjust lines, markers and padding. Work with one or more series to highlight the data you want to emphasize.
Edit axis titles
To edit axis titles:
- 1
- Right-click on a chart.
- 2
- Choose Chart Properties .
- 3
- Use the slider to show or hide the Bottom Axis or Left Axis Title.
- 4
- Double click on the text field next to Title. Add your axis title.
- 5
- Format the axis title using the Edit toolbar.
Change the rotation of axis labels
To set the rotation of axis labels:
- 1
- In the Chart Properties panel use the Show Labels slider to display each axis.
- 2
- Set the Rotation of the labels using the input boxes by entering a number between 0 and 90. Zero sets the labels for standard horizontal display. Ninety sets the labels for vertical display.
Modify axis lines, ticks and intervals
To modify axis lines:
- 1
- To Show Ticks or hide tick marks, click the toggles under Bottom Axis and Left Axis .
- 2
- Use the Show Grid toggle to show or hide the grid for each axis.
- 3
- Use the Interval input box to control how many lines are shown in the grid for the bottom axis.
- 4
- To show or hide the axis lines themselves, click the Show Line toggle.
- 5
- For the Bottom Axis, use the Expand to Edge toggle to space the axis line within the chart.
Adjust left axis spacing
To adjust value spacing and formatting for the left axis:
- 1
- Set the Min Value, Max Value and the Step Size to control the display and clarify numbers that may be clustered.
- 2
- Choose whether to Show Zero Line and adjust the color for that line.
- 3
- To reverse the scale of measure on the left axis , use the Reverse Scale toggle. This will allow you to display the largest values at the bottom and the smallest values at the top.
Series display for charts
In Chart Properties , the Series section contains options that allow you to format the display of each data series in your chart. Choose whether to modify All Series or a specific series in the drop-down menu.
Different formatting options are available for data series based on the chart type. For column, bar, area and waterfall charts, these options include the following and more:
- Style and width of lines and markers in a line chart
- Bar Padding and Bar Group Padding for column charts
- Colors for positive and negative change in a waterfall chart.
You can also hide categories and series in charts by hiding rows and columns in the chart's data table. Any hidden row/column will not be plotted on the chart.
There may be times when you want to move a series from the left axis to the right axis or from the right axis to the left axis. For example, if you are showing two sets of data with widely varying scales.
Change a series on an axis
To move a series from one axis to another:
- 1
- Choose the series you’d like to work with in the Chart Properties panel.
- 2
- Choose Left or Right from the Axis drop-down menu.
Display in pie and doughnut charts
For pie and doughnut charts, there are a number of settings to give you control over the display:
- Color for each slice
- Explode for all or selected slices
- Show Label (includes options for Name, Value and Percent)
- Border size and color
- Value (includes Precision, Separator and Distance)