Pie and doughnut charts display data in slices rather than in series. Pie and doughnut charts represent data points as percentages, showing a comparison of parts to the whole. A doughnut chart displays as a ring with a variable inner radius.
Create a pie or doughnut chart
To create a pie or doughnut chart:
- 1
- Click the Edit tab.
- 2
- Click the Insert icon.
- 3
- Hover over Chart in the drop-down.
- 4
- Click on Pie or Doughnut chart.
Convert between charts
To convert between pie and doughnut charts:
- 1
- Select your Pie or Doughnut chart.
- 2
- Right-click and choose Chart Properties .
- 3
- Use the Doughnut Hole setting to add or remove the hole in the center of the chart.
Format chart slices
Slice colors, borders, and labels are controlled from the Chart Properties panel.
To format all slices at the same time:
- 1
- Click on the chart to select.
- 2
- Right-click to open the Chart Properties panel.
- 3
- Use the slider to Explode all slices if desired.
- 4
- Use the Border slider to turn on borders and set the width and color of the slice borders.
- 5
- Use the Show Label slider to add slice labels and connectors.
- 6
- To ensure percent labels add up to 100%, have Show Label and Percent toggled on and select Round labels to 100%.
Note: Rounding labels to 100% is done by force rounding the percent label that results in the least amount of statistical error. This ensures percent labels are accurate as possible when this feature is in use without affecting the underlying data.
Other formatting options include:
- Precision: Determine how many decimals to show on slice labels.
- Separator: Use a new line, space, semi-colon, comma or custom separator.
- Placement: Determine if the label will be in the Center, Inside End, Outside End or Auto.
- Label Width: Set the width to determine text wrapping.
- Padding: Determine how much space you would like between labels.
- Show Zero Values: Show values from the data table which are zero.
- Connector Line: Choose a color for your connector line.
- Connector Type: Set the type of line to connect each slide to a label.
Format an individual slice
To format a pie or doughnut slice individually:
- 1
- Double-click on a slice in the chart or use the drop-down under Slices to select an individual slice.
- 2
- Set the Color by clicking the color picker square.
- 3
- Use the slider to Explode the slice if desired.
- 4
- Use the Border slider to turn on a border and set the width and color of the slice border.
TIP: Adding a white border (10 px) to all slices is an alternate to exploding the slices as a way to emphasize each slice.