A recent release to the Workiva platform included improvements to the following products and features. You can learn more about each item in the section below.
New File Utilities command: Checksum
Documents, Spreadsheets, & Presentations
Mentioning in comments and deleted comments notification
Auto-extend column formatting with dataset in connected sheets
Now available - Paste transpose
ESG Programs no longer appear in Files or Home
<!--IFRS content corrected in ESG Explorer
SCIM API bug fixes
Deleting table rows/column with source links
Now available - Breadcrumbs navigation in Files
Safeties around editing Report Data
Permissions Report Beta – Now supports Files and Folders
New File Utilities command: Checksum
We've added a "Checksum" command to the File Utilities connector that can be used to verify a file has not been corrupted or changed from its original source. The command can be run on multiple files, and their returned hash values can be compared to determine whether those files are identical.
Documents, Spreadsheets, & Presentations
Mentioning in comments and deleted comments notification
When mentioning another user that doesn't have file level permissions, commenters will now receive a message to help them identify that the mentioned user will not be able to see the comment without permission changes. This will help ensure that there is an opportunity to address changes to permissions before the mentioned user receives a notification link to a comment that they cannot access, saving time and additional communication outside of Workiva.
Additionally, when navigating to a comment that has been deleted after the notification link was sent, a message will be shown to indicate the comment is no longer available.
Auto-extend column formatting with dataset in connected sheets
When connected sheets are refreshed, the resulting dataset may be larger than the previously refreshed version. If formatting has been applied to a column in that sheet, the column formatting may not extend to new rows added as a result of the latest refresh. This fix auto-extends the formatting as rows in a dataset grows.
To learn more on connected sheets, view Use connected sheets.
Now available - Paste transpose
The transpose (rotate) feature allows you to shift a range of cells from horizontal to vertical and vice versa.
To transpose a range of cells:
1. Select the range of cells to be transposed. This range can be a single column or multiple columns.
2. Copy the range. (Cut won't work.)
3. Paste the range. This can be in the same sheet, a different sheet in the spreadsheet, or in a different spreadsheet in the same workspace.
4. While the pasted range is highlighted in blue, click the clipboard icon, and select Transpose.
5. 按一下「套用」(Apply)。
The cells are transposed, and will overwrite all existing cells in the new arrangement.
ESG Programs no longer appear in Files or Home
To help streamline your experience, you can now only access your ESG Program from the left navigation, instead of from Files or Home.
If your workspace has multiple ESG Programs, the most recently opened ESG Program appears by default, and you can choose another from the ESG Program's name. Workspace Owners can choose from all ESG Programs in the workspace, such as to adjust their permissions.
IFRS content corrected in ESG Explorer
If your ESG Explorer includes the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), its content has been corrected to better reflect the content developed by the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB).
Specifically, we recommend you review the Governance section of Core Content to determine whether additional and updated items for S1.27(a) and (b) affect your reporting requirements.
To learn more, view Use IFS sustainability disclosure standards in ESG Explorer.
SCIM API bug fixes
We’ve rolled out important fixes to our SCIM APIs to enhance reliability and performance:
- Resolved issues that caused inconsistent results in the GetGroups API.
- Fixed a problem that prevented newly created workspaces from being added correctly.
These updates ensure more reliable group management and user provisioning, delivering a smoother experience through the SCIM APIs.
Deleting table rows/column with source links
You can now easily delete table rows and columns that contain Source Links. Previously, this action required you to manually remove Source Links first.
With the new update, you can delete rows or columns with Source Links by confirming your intent to remove all associated Source Links in a modal. Once confirmed, the selected rows or columns will be deleted, and all Source Links within them will be automatically removed. Additionally, you can undo/redo this operation for greater flexibility.
To learn more about links, view Create a link.
Now available - Breadcrumbs navigation in Files
You’ll now see breadcrumbs as you navigate in Files. This allows you to see where files are located and navigate easier between folders.
Click the checkbox next to a file or folder to view its location in the breadcrumb path at the top of the screen. From there, you can easily navigate to any folder in the hierarchy.
Safeties around editing Report Data
The Report Data view has the ability to affect all other table and chart views in a report. A Data Admin will no longer be able to switch between table and chart views while Report Data is being edited. To view tables or charts after changes to Report Data, either save or discard changes.
Permissions Report Beta – Now supports Files and Folders
We’re excited to announce updates to the Permissions Report Beta, offering more control over permissions reporting. You can now select files and folders in addition to users and user groups when generating reports.
Note: When selecting a folder, only the folder itself is included in the report, not its contents. This behavior will be enhanced in future updates.
This feature is currently in beta. To learn more, view Create a permission report. If you have questions, reach out to your Customer Support Manager.