A recent release to the Workiva platform included improvements to the following products and features:
Improved date option sorting in report filters
Process owners can now restart completed actions in ongoing processes
ESRS content updated with April 2024 verbiage
Documents, presentations, and spreadsheets
Improved filter modal when Sort isn't available
Fixed: Shape Anchor and Tracked Deleted bugs in Design sections
Fixed: Rotated shapes with comments in Presentations
Upgraded platform provider
We've recently completed a routine version upgrade of our chart platform provider. This upgrade includes fixes to minor issues, provides minor improvement to existing functionally, and allows for additional feature development on new chart provider capabilities.
With this change, we've made two immediate improvements to how pie labels are positioned:
- Labels not manually placed will automatically position themselves more accurately. This particularly applies to multi-line labels which will center more accurately around the pie chart's center.
- Previously, labels were positioned based on the axis maximum even though it was inaccurate for the data point. Moving forward, labels will be positioned based on the actual data point value — following the Outside End behavior.
Note: This means Inside End and Center labels should not be used for data points greater than the axis maximum, as they will not be visible.
Improved date option sorting in report filters
You can now use a filter in reports that orders dates chronologically. Select the filter in the column heading to reorder the dates.
Process owners can now restart completed actions in ongoing processes
For greater flexibility in ongoing processes, process owners can now restart actions (tasks, content requests, and certifications) that have already been completed.
ESRS content updated with April 2024 verbiage
If your ESG Explorer has the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) enabled, it now includes content from the April 2024 update of the EU's Official Journal. This update includes only minimal verbiage changes from the previous content of December 2023.
Learn more: Adopt ESRS April 2024 update for ESG reporting
Documents, presentations, and spreadsheets
Improved filter modal when Sort isn't available
We've made a small change to our filters so that the Sort button will no longer appear unless it's available and useable.
Fixed: Shape Anchor and Tracked Deleted bugs in Design sections
We've addressed two bugs that appeared when converting from a Design section to a standard section in presentations:
- Some shapes were getting re-anchored to the wrong location. The shapes affected where those anchored to paragraphs (as opposed to anchoring to a page). With this fix, the anchors for these shapes will not be modified.
- We were deleting paragraph-anchored shapes on tracked-deleted design pages. With this fix, these kinds of shapes will no longer be deleted.
Fixed: Rotated shapes with comments in Presentations
We recently discovered that when a comment is added to a shape and that shape is rotated, the selection box for the shape gets offset with the actual shape boundaries. This is now resolved, and comments on a shape will behave as expected both before and after rotation.