Workiva 平台的最新版本包括對以下產品和功能的改進:
Export certification letters when accessing certifications via email link
Export all certification letters to PDF before running the process
Chain schedules must be entered in whole numbers
<!--Manage dimensional metric values as a grid from ESG Program
-->Updated panels for ESG Program metrics
De-anchoring lines on position change
Wdata query source picker has an updated UI
<!--Manage dimensional metric values as a grid from ESG Program
Workiva 平台
Enhanced onboarding experience for new users
Assignable boards in Home now available in GRC and ESG
Export certification letters when accessing certifications via email link
You can now export certification letters from Workiva Tasks when accessing the certifications via email link (see Email link authentication).
Export all certification letters to PDF before running the process
You can now export all certification letters to PDF before running the process.
Learn more about viewing and exporting certification reports.
Chain schedules must be entered in whole numbers
We've addressed an issue that allowed chains to be scheduled in smaller intervals, such as every 1.5 Days. Moving forward, decimal points are not supported and all new chain schedules must be entered in whole numbers.
Please note that this change only applies to future chain schedules and no current run will be impacted.
If you have an existing chain schedule that uses a decimal point:
- That chain will continue to run.
- You can safely edit and publish all parts of the chain, except the schedule.
- If you do edit the chain schedule, you will need to update it to use a whole number.
Learn more about chain schedules.
<!--Manage dimensional metric values as a grid from ESG Program
From ESG Program, you can apply a custom dimension to a metric to collect multiple values within a period, such as for different locations or demographics. When a metric has a dimension applied, you can now view and edit its values' details — such as assignments and supporting notes or attachments — inline, as a grid.
To focus on a specific value, or to connect it to a source file, select Edit details from its menu.
Learn more about managing dimensional values in ESG Program metrics.
-->Updated panels for ESG Program metrics
From ESG Program, you can track the data collection status of metric values from the Task status panel of the metric or its topic. Previously, this panel was named "Tasks".
In addition, you can set up a metric's frequency, value type, dimension, and other settings from its Configure metric panel. Previously, you could click a "Configure metric" button to access these settings.
De-anchoring lines on position change
Lines that are anchored to shapes will now be de-anchored when they are moved or rotated.
Wdata query source picker has an updated UI
When building queries in Wdata, you'll notice an updated Sources panel with a fresh new UI. Whereas options were previously presented individually within the menu, similar source types are now conveniently grouped together under submenus.
Note: A previous version of this release incorrectly stated that new source types were added to this dropdown menu. No additional source types are included in this release. We apologize for any confusion this may have caused.
Learn more about creating queries
Manage dimensional metric values as a grid from ESG Program
From ESG Program, you can apply a custom dimension to a metric to collect multiple values within a period, such as for different locations or demographics. When a metric has a dimension applied, you can now view and edit its values' details — such as assignments and supporting notes or attachments — inline, as a grid.
To focus on a specific value, or to connect it to a source file, select Edit details from its menu.
Learn more about managing dimensional values in ESG Program metrics.
-->Workiva 平台
Text style overlays
You can now enable text style overlays in Documents, Presentations, and Spreadsheets. This allows you to easily see and review the styles that are being applied to the text in the file.
To get started:
- Open a Document, Presentation, or Spreadsheet
- Click View and then click Show overlay in the toolbar
- In the overlay right-hand panel, click the dropdown and select Text styles
Note: Text style overlays don't work on sub-cell text. Only the style applied to the cell will be highlighted with an overlay.
Enhanced onboarding experience for new users
Previously, when new users were invited to the platform, they received a welcome email with a link to set up their password. If the link expired before completing the set-up, users had to contact customer support to request a new welcome email and link.
Now, if a user clicks on an expired welcome email link, they will be informed that the link has expired, and the system will automatically send a new welcome email and link, removing the need to contact customer support.
Assignable boards in Home now available in GRC and ESG
In workspaces with access to boards in Home (previously known as "My Dashboard"), Workspace Owners can now create and assign boards to curate the Home experience for their teams, all while still allowing individual power users to organize their own work the way they want.