- 工作區擁有者
- Custom roles with the Board Assigner ability
With boards, you can change what Home looks like for you and users in your workspace, so that everyone can get quick access to the information most relevant to them.
Create a board
- From Home, click Create board.
- 根據您的業務需求在看板上添加和組織小部件(請參閱可用的小部件)。
To add a widget to your board:
- 在開發板名稱旁邊,按兩下「添加小組件」下拉清單。
- Select the type of widget you'd like to add.
The widget is added to your dashboard.
Depending on the widget, you can edit certain configurations by expanding the dropdown menu and clicking Edit.
With some widgets, you can also filter or sort the data, rename the widget, or rearrange the columns. 這些配置將顯示給任何板分配者。
To move a widget:
- Go to the widget you want to move.
- Place your cursor near the top of the widget.
- When your cursor changes to the open hand icon, click and hold the widget.
- Move the widget where you want it and release. Widgets will automatically shuffle based on where you put it.
To resize a widget:
- Go to the widget you want to resize.
- Place your cursor near the bottom corner edge.
- Click and hold to resize the widget, then release.
To remove a widget:
- Go to the widget you want to remove.
- 展開小工具中的下拉式選單,然後選取移除。
- Once you’re satisfied with your board, click Save.
As a Workspace Owner or someone with a custom role with the Board Assigner ability, you can assign the boards that you created to users and groups in the workspace to show them the most important information right when they land in Home.
Note: You can also manage the assignments of any board that has already been assigned by a different Workspace Owner or Board Assigner, even if you’re not the creator.
- On the board that you want to assign, click Manage board and select Assign.
- Select the groups or users whom you want to assign the board to. You can also remove any already-assigned groups or users if you want to remove the board from their Home.
- You can choose to set the board as the primary board for the assigned users to make it the first board they see upon landing in Home.
- 按一下「儲存」(Save)。The assigned users will be able to see this board the next time they go to Home.
Edit and manage a board
While viewing a board that you created, you can perform various operations like Edit, Rename, and Delete by clicking the Manage board dropdown and selecting the respective option.
When editing a board, you can add and organize the widgets. After clicking Save, your changes will be pushed out to the board’s assignees.
If you want to edit a board that was created by another Workspace Owner or Board Assigner, you can first duplicate it and then make changes to the duplicated board.
作為工作區擁有者或具有「看板分配者」功能的自定義角色的人員,您可以按兩下「從主頁查看所有已分配的看板 」,以查看工作區中已分配的所有看板的清單。在此清單中,您可以通過 點擊圖板旁邊的選單並選擇相應的選項來編輯或 刪除 您建立的圖板。You can also manage the assignments of any currently assigned board by clicking Assign, even if you’re not the creator.
Note: Any templates that were created in the old Home experience will show in this list as boards if their creators are no longer members of the workspace.
Available widgets
小工具 | 說明 | 可用性 |
我的所有評論 | See all comments that you started, all comments that you replied to, and all comments that mention you in the workspace | All solutions |
我的評論 | See all comments that you started and all comments that you replied to in the workspace | All solutions |
我的 @提及 | See all comments that mention you in the workspace | All solutions |
All files |
Search all files that you have access to in the workspace |
All solutions |
Recent files | See all your recently opened files in the workspace | All solutions |
Starred files | 查看工作區中所有已加註星號的檔案。您不會看到其他使用者已加註星號的檔案。 | All solutions |
Key resources | Curate your own list of key Workiva resources in the workspace, such as files, folders, and GRC reports (for GRC solutions), by adding their URLs | All solutions |
全部任務 | See all tasks in the workspace, including tasks assigned to other users | All solutions |
My assigned tasks | See all tasks that are assigned to you in the workspace | All solutions |
My created tasks | See all tasks that you created in the workspace | All solutions |
檔案審閱 | See all file reviews, including document and binder reviews, in the workspace | All solutions |
ESG news feed | Stay up-to-date with the latest ESG industry news and updates | ESG solutions |
ESG bookmarks | View bookmarked ESG disclosures and content from ESG Explorer | ESG solutions |
Program status | Summarize the status of ESG Program metrics' data collection | ESG solutions |
Program topic tracker | View details about ESG Program metrics' tasks, by topic | ESG solutions |
資料 | View your recent data, such as controls and risks | GRC solutions |
補救 | See a list of your recent action plans and issues | GRC solutions |
報表 | See a list of your recent reports | GRC solutions |
要求 | View active requests that require your submission or review | GRC solutions |
測試表單 | See a list of your recent test forms | GRC solutions |
Wdata 查詢 | See the data results of your selected Wdata query in table form | Financial Services solutions with Wdata |