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Viewing all Links in a Spreadsheet



1 条评论

  • Mike

    Hi Becky!

    Great question. I think I have a solution for you.

    The best way to do this is in two parts. Here are the steps.

    1. Run the Linked Files Report on the Spreadsheet in question. This is done from Home by right-clicking on the file and choosing Linked Files Report. Here are some steps on our Help site as well: https://support.workiva.com/hc/en-us/articles/360036000671-Use-the-Linked-Files-Report.

      This will run in the background and send you a notification when its done. Once it's done, you can move onto step 2.

    2. Next, from the opened Linked Files Report, choose the option for Create Spreadsheet of File Links option. This will generate a new file that shows all the links to and from your file.

    This report will out all the links, their section and location, what type they are (source or destination), if they are published or not, as well as hyperlinks to go directly to them. This report also comes pre-populated with filters too, so you can find what you are looking for.

    Hopefully this helps some. Do let me know what questions you have on any of the above, or if you need any additional guidance. Thanks again and have a happy holiday season!

