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Note continuation to next page



17 条评论

  • Dalisay Pingul

    Hi Annie Ain - have you found a work around re: adding the word "continuation"? I'm in the same situation in Next Gen and the headers are not working for me. Curious to know what you've been doing? Is it all manual updates?

  • Rachael Abdelkhalek

    Great question. The good news is I have a solution that should work for you.

    To confirm, are you working a classic Document, or a next gen Document? The easiest way to tell is in a next gen Documents, you have a continuous scroll and there's no pencils/locks in the outline and no Share button. Either way, its possible in both, but the steps are a little different.

    In a classic Document, you'd want to create the headers you need for each note. To do this, double-click inside the header of the note you are editing and then click the + button to create a new header and name it. In my example, I created both Note 1. Header and Note 1. Header (Continued).

    Next, right-click on the section in question and choose Section Properties > Header/Footer then check the option for "Use different Header/Footer for first page of section". Lastly, change the headers according for First Header and Continuing Header, like so:

    This should then apply the headers as desired. You'd need to repeat this process for other notes/sections that need the same setup. Note that the option for the different header on the first page is only an option when the previous page has a section break, but that sounds like how you have your sections setup so that should work for you.

    Here's a some Help content on headers/footers in classic Docs: https://success.workiva.com/help/documents/editing-text/custom-headers-and-footers

    Next Generation:
    The process for this actually a bit simpler in next gen Documents. You can more easily add a different header for your first page by simply clicking inside the header and then accessing the Properties pane on the right-hand side. Then click the checkbox or "Different first page", like so:

    Lastly, you only need to type into the header what you would like displayed on that page, versus the following page(s). The nice part here is you don't have keep creating two headers for each note/section and add/edit them on the fly.

    And here's some Help content on headers/footers in next gen Docs: https://success.workiva.com/help/docs/editing-docs/using-headers-and-footers

    Thanks for your contributions and have a great day!

  • Annie Ain

    Thanks, Rachael, for the detailed reply. To confirm, I'm using classic documents and section breaks throughout the document. I understand the steps however I think if I go with this, the note number will need to be manually changed in the header whenever there is a change. Currently, we have this set up as:
    - TOC in the Spreadsheet (which is then linked to the document so each note number and name comes from SS)
    - When the narrative references a particular note, the source is still the primary ToC in the SS.
    - If we change the order of the notes or insert/delete a note, we simply update the SS ToC and everything is auto-updated in the document

    So correct me if I am wrong, but there is no way to link the note number and name to the SS in the header of a document, so if there is a change, it would need to be updated manually in all the headers?


  • Rachael Abdelkhalek

    Thanks for confirming your setup. That makes sense.

    Regarding your question, you are correct, since links are not allowed in a header (or footer) in classic documents, it wouldn't auto-update for you, so you'd need to tweak the note when it gets updated, sadly. Your approach of linking the TOC from your Spreadsheet is a rather clever approach, though :)

    Thanks for the info and chat with you soon.

  • Annie Ain
    Rachael, was looking some more into your suggested solution. It wouldn't work where two notes (each in its own section) are on one page but there is no way of knowing this until we export and see that the two are on one page.
  • Rachael Abdelkhalek

    Hello again, Annie!

    Happy to help elaborate further. If I am following you correctly, this should work, even if a section were only one page. If you set it up to have the alternating page, it simply wouldn't have the "continued" header for sections that were only one page in itself. Prior to printing or viewing in EDGAR, you'd want to paginate your document to keep it all updated, though.

    If I've missed the mark, let me know and I'll be happy to take a closer look.

  • Annie Ain

    Rachael, I really appreciate you taking the time to look into this. So we currently have the note name in the body of the report (not as part of the page header). Some notes are shorter than others so we could have 3-4 notes on one page as follows: 1. Capital structure, 2. Operating expenses, 3. Income taxes (i.e. each note has its separate section but when we export, they're combined). Now the last note (income taxes) from page 1 continues to the second page so we would need 3. Income taxes (continued) on page 2, but we would also have the next note on that page (4. Financial instruments)

    Our page header has the company name, year ended, reporting measure, etc. If I were to put the note # and name as part of the page header (as I think that's what you meant since we don't have section headers), then page 1 would just show 1. Capital structure for all three notes that are appearing on that page and page 2 would show 3. Income taxes (continued). We don't want this; what we need are section headers. Hopefully this helps clarify. If not, I can try attaching a pic so it's clear.

    Thank you!
    Have a great day.

  • Rachael Abdelkhalek

    That's a bit of a pickle, for sure. I suppose the best approach that comes to mind is only have the specific header for the note(s) that extend onto more than one page, which sounds like for you it is your last note. I can pass this along to some of our other folks internally to see what they might suggest doing too. In the meantime, let me know if you need anything else. 

  • Pedro Andrade

    Hi Annie Ain and Rachael Abdelkhalek, thank you this post, it is very helpful!

    Although, I have the same issue as Dalisay Pingul, as I only need a way to add the "Note number" + the text "(continuation)" in the beggining of each section page.

    In my specific case, I'm using the header's option of "Same as previous section" for all pages that are in the same format (Vertical or Horizontal), as they share company logo and name and an specific text.... if we were to apply Rachel's original solution, we would need to brake this "Same as previous section" and set up again each of the sections.

    Did any of you find a way to just add the "Note title" + "(continuation)" whitout using the Headers?

    Thank you in advance.

  • Liz Walters

    Hi Pedro Andrade,

    Thanks for your question! I played around with some ideas, but unfortunately, couldn't come up with anything less manual than renaming the headers in each section. If you'd like to not use the headers, it would be possible to move the margins around to make it look like you are using header space, but you would be typing in the main body of the page. This would require you to manually edit the margins and add in your text, though.

    The previous comments on this post mention that linking cannot be done in headers. We have updated our product since then, so this is possible now. If you do update the headers for each note, perhaps linking the headers to a source (most likely in a spreadsheet) could help if you would need to update them.

    If you're open to using a more general heading, we see many customers say "Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements continued" in the header and apply the "Same as previous section" option. This way, they can keep the same header for all the notes and avoid the hassle of having to create separate headers for each section. 

    Apologies that I couldn't have a more definite answer, but hopefully something here can help. If you have any other question, please let us know! 


  • Pedro Andrade

    Dear Liz Walters,

    Thank you for your reply.

    I have explored the possibility of using the headers but in fact we use it with "Same as previous section" activated, which is more convenient for our client.

    Are there any solutions like the ones below?

    1. Secondary Header (a header below the current header) or something that could be changed even though we have the "Same as previous section" activated?
    2. Some sort of "Placeholder" that could give the Name (Title) of the current section? If that is available, we could possibly use it either in the Headers or adding Manually in each page.

    PS: So far I have used the current Placeholder tool to ad the "continuation" text. I hoped there could be more use cases for this tool and possibly configure the format of the text too.

    Thanks again.



  • Liz Walters

    Hi Pedro,

    These are great ideas, but unfortunately the platform doesn't have the ability to carry out either of them today. I think the ability to overlay a text box or table over the header could help you accomplish what you are looking for, but this also isn't currently available. Improved image, text box, and formatting features will be coming in the future, so I will add you as a requestor to be notified when relevant updates are released. I've also created a ticket to share your two ideas with our product team for possible implementation.



  • Pedro Andrade

    Thank you, Liz Walters!

    I am eager to see further updates on the Word tool!



  • Robin Hicks

    Hi. I would also be keen to see the page header (continued) feature added. As a new Workiva user I am potentially not aware of how to manually achieve this in a Document, but based on the thread above it seems like the best way to get the requested presentation is inserting the required headers manually into an export of the document? Naturally this is undesirable, being manual but also since adding text to an export could throw off spacing and automated page references.

    My experience of WDesk to date is positive, but I do find the lack of this function surprising given this presentation is standard practice for financial statements in the UK. Indeed other financial statement preparation softwares I have used previously have included this presentation as standard. 

    As other users have suggested, what seems to be missing is a secondary header immediately prior to the body text on each page commencing. This is would be completely separate from the header that sits at the top of every page. It would also be included on every page, either being the note header or, if the note has spread over from the previous page, note header (continued). Furthermore, ideally a optional third header would exist for circumstances where a sub-section of a note has continued from the previous page, such as accounting policies. 

    I attach an extract of the top of a page of model financial statements demonstrating this. In this example ‘Notes (continued)’ is the page header WDesk already includes. ‘1 Accounting policies (continued)’ is the suggested secondary header and ‘1.7 Financial instruments (continued)’ is the third header. Hopefully this helps visualise the request! 

    Please let me know if have any questions – this addition would be highly valued and much appreciated! 

  • Liz Walters

    Hi Robin Hicks,

    Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts here. I will add you to the enhancement request for secondary headers and share your example with our product team. Additionally, we will keep you updated on any relevant advancements. 

    If any one else would like to see this idea implemented, please comment or push the "thumb's up" button. Every bit of support helps!

  • Robin Hicks

    Thanks Liz Walters. Look forward to seeing how this progresses! 

    To check, is there a way of creating the format proposed in my post within WDesk currently, even if is a manual workaround? Or would the suggestion be to create in a DOCX export of the WDesk document? Looking at the suggestion from Pedro a month ago and your reply above, I suspect exporting is currently the only way to achieve. 

  • Liz Walters

    Good question, Robin Hicks! I think that you would be able to create this in Wdesk, but there is some manual work involved. Each note and sub-note will need to have its own section in the outline if they don't already. 

    For the settings, the default is to use the "same as previous section" for the header. You will want to make sure this is de-selected for each section. This will give you a clean slate to write your unique header for each (sub)note. The downside here is that you will need to copy "Notes (continued)" into every section since it won't be inherited. If you use linking for the parts of the header that are reused section-to-section, that could save you from the possibility of needing to update several headers if the formatting or wording changes. 

    For a note or sub-note that starts on a new page, you may want to select "different first page" in the settings so that it doesn't have  "(continued)"On on the second page in that section, you'll need to copy the header from the first page and add in "(continued)". This header will flow to the remaining headers in the section.  

    If you have any questions about this, please let me know!


