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Technical Report Summary Sizing Requirements



3 条评论

  • Mike

    Hi Kelsey!

    Happy to provide some info for you here.

    The main limitations you will face are EDGAR limits on both the total filing size, which is 200 MB, but due to how the filing is encoded, is closer to a practical limit of approximately160MB. There's also a limit on the total number of exhibits, which includes images, is 500 per filing.

    So if you are hitting a filing size limit, you should consider using lower resolution images, and if the filing exhibit count is the issue, you could do things like EDGARize PDFs using the 2 or 4 pages per image option.

    Hope that helps some. Let me know if you have any additional questions or need anything else. Thanks for sharing and have a great day!

  • Kelsey Durban

    Thanks Mike, that certainly helps. One follow-up: I can't figure out how to tell how big the file size is, do you know how I can figure that out? The way I tested if the file size was acceptable was to test file it, but I'm hoping there's a way to see the total file size so corrections can be made well in advance of a test file. Please let me know.


  • Mike

    Oof, sorry for my huge delay here, Kelsey. Perhaps by now you've already stumbled up on the answer, but happy to share here for other passers-by.

    You can determine the file size of the package you will be submitting to EDGAR by downloading the XFDL file from your EDGAR generated files in the Workiva Filing Experience. On your machine, if you could right-click to get the properties of that file and it should tell you the size. That would be the file size you are submitting to the SEC.

    Let me me know if you have any follow-ups here or need anything else. Thanks again and have a super day!

