Workspaces per Account
已回答Is there a limit on the number of workspaces per account? Specifically, must the number of workspaces correspond to the solutions each company has, or can multiple workspaces be created for each module?
Answering unofficially Mauro Cesar Siqueira, but we have had no issue creating workspaces as needed (i.e., even more than the number of solutions purchased), including having multiple workspaces with the same solution. But hopefully Workiva will confirm just in case this is contract-specific in some way.
(Side note, however, that I'm sympathetic to the question because the way onboarding/implementation was done for us, there was indeed an implication of a sort of 1-workspace-to-1-solution principle, if not necessarily of an actual hard technical requirement.)
0Apologies for the delay here Mauro Cesar Siqueira,
I do not believe there is a limit to number of workspaces in an organization. So for non-database workspaces, you can have as many as you want. Database workspaces you can only have the number you are contracted for. Contracted for 1 SOX workspace, can only create/have 1 SOX workspace.0
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