Percentile and Quartile Formulas
VoltooidI was wondering when we could use Percentile and Quartile functions in Spreadsheets? We use this for our CECL calculations and we want it all to be in Wdesk, but cannot do the entire file in Wdesk until these functions are in Wdesk.
Officiële opmerking
Seasons Greetings! We're happy to announce that PERCENTILE and QUARTILE functions have just been released. Thanks for your feedback to make this possible.
Hello Andrea!
Thank you for your question. Unfortunately, today this is not an option in spreadsheets, but it is definitely something worth considering! We've gone ahead and shared your idea with our products team. You will be updated with the status/progress of this ticket as it moves forward.
In the meantime, anyone passing by is also encouraged to vote up/comment on this suggestion.
3 opmerkingen