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Decimal Alignment in Tables



11 opmerkingen

  • Dallas Thornton

    I believe it's because your formatting is set to something like "Number" instead of "Accounting" 

  • Lynn Kaminski

    Thanks for the suggestion, Dallas.  In this case, all cells in the table are in the "Accounting" formatting.

  • David Packard

    Looks like if you 'Decrease indent' until all indentation is removed, they will line up the way you want to. But my guess is you want to retain the indent - in that case I don't have any good advice :) 

  • Barbara Boncz

    Mike Do you have any suggestion about the above topic? I would like to have indent in tables (because brackets are not seeable if border is too thick) but I also want aligned numbers as you can see it in the screenshot from Classic.

  • Mike

    Hi Barbara!

    Hmm... one thing that comes to mind is using the ruler bar in a the cell to apply a hanging indent. Does that possibly do the trick?

  • Barbara Boncz

    I've just tried it, but unfortunately no. Number are aligned to the right in the tables and hanging indent is on the left:

    Just for testing, I aligned the numbers to the right, but hanging indent is still not helped:

    Number alignment was really cool in Classic, there is any chance that this will be again in Next gen?

  • Mike

    Gotcha, Barbara. Thanks for those screen shots, they help for sure.

    Ideally, yes, we are definitely aiming for 100% parity and then some for our next gen platform, so these nuances are good to know. I'm gonna share this with our experts to see what we can possibly do to achieve what you are looking for.

  • Krystle Dennison

    was there a resolution to this?

  • Ross Scalise

    3 years ago and still no fix for this, the support for this product is so poor. I also saw a thread regarding table formatting for large documents and again still no update, 3 years ago too.

  • Mike

    @Krystle - a long overdue answer to your question, this wasn't 100% resolved in all cases, however, there are some tips to try. Often this was addressed by removing any indents that were found in the cells. However, sometimes an indent is desired for a cell in which case this tip wouldn't resolve. Additionally, there's a beta setting that can be toggle on for you that removes table cell gutters and that can be requested via here if you'd be interested, or through your CSM. This setting also helped resolve this alignment issue.

    Ross Scalise - I will say that its not atypical that an issue would linger and not be fully addressed for this period of time. And I certainly could have done better at providing more of the tips for addressing as they came up so definitely my own apologies there. Workiva does have issue remediation processes to quickly find prioritize, and address problems in our platform. We are also proactive in finding areas of improvement. We acknowledge though that it is not perfect and mistakes can be made.

    That aside, this item seem particularly hard to catch as it doesn't seem to always behave the same. And  Its always best for our engineers to catch this issue in the moment and have examples to see. I'd suggestion connecting with Support to so we can gather as much info to better isolate and address this issue. You can similarly request the beta setting mentioned above as well to see if that helps address. Let me know if you have any questions for me in the meantime. Thanks for your candor and have a great rest of your day!

    P.S. any other passers by who hit this issue are also encouraged to reach out to Support. The more examples we have, the better. 

  • Ross Scalise

    why do we still have this issue after three years if Workiva is proactive in addressing issues?


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