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Wdesk as collaboration tool



1 opmerking

  • Mike

    Hi Gabe!

    Most certainly you can achieve this in Wdesk. There are a few options available, including Track Changes, Commenting and Tasking. I can explain a little about each of them.

    First, Wdesk supports the ‘Track Changes’ feature, which is akin to redline in Word, where users ‘recommend’ edits and their changes can be accepted or rejected by the document Owner. More information on Track Changes can be found here, on the Help site:

    You can pretty easily Send for Review in Wdesk and can allow not just Owners of a file to send a review, but also Editors, and/or Viewers too. In addition, those who are viewing do NOT need permission to your file itself, but only a seat in your Workspace to be sent the review. More info on sending reviews can be found here:
    Second, you could grant these reviewers a Reviewer seat in Wdesk, which doesn’t allow for any editing, but they can leave comments directly on any Wdesk document they are given access to.  More into on Commenting can be found here:

    Lastly, once these reviewers were granted a seat in Wdesk, you could assign them to a document or section of a document using the Tasking feature.

    If you have any questions for me on the above, let me know and I’ll be happy elaborate further. There are some other approaches that may also work for you. Your CSM can also assist in any seat changes in Wdesk and may have some additional insights/suggestions for you.

    Let me know if you have any additional questions for me as well. Have a great day in the meantime. Cheers!


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