Upcoming changes to CDP for 2024 submissions
As you wrap up the year and eagerly await your 2023 scores from CDP (formerly Carbon Disclosure Project), your thoughts may look ahead to your CDP submission for 2024. If so, there are some changes coming to be aware of!
In short, CDP is looking to simplify corporate disclosures with:
- A single, integrated corporate questionnaire to determine separate scores for Climate, Forests, and Water
- A streamlined Online Response System (ORS), focused on only questions relevant to your company
CDP is planning to open their new ORS in April 2024, for a submission period from June to September.
Workiva — as a Gold Accredited Solution Provider of CDP — will provide the content of the new integrated questionnaire in ESG Explorer when it becomes available. When the content appears in ESG Explorer, you can begin to review the updated questions, align them with metrics in ESG Program, and prepare responses. For more information about how to align ESG Explorer content with ESG Program metrics, refer to Workiva Support Center.
FYI, you can find more details and a preview of the new ORS in this video from CDP: https://youtu.be/2X84OhKAsW8. Thanks!
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